Page 26 - Letters of Rev. Norman MacLeod
ISSUE : Issue 13
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1976/6/1
freedom to abandon my sincere adherents; none of whom have any hesitation on the subject but how to get once clear of debts, & obtain a passage. I believe no people would answer better in South Australia than our Scotch people, reared, in this country; and that there is no other quarter in the world i'ich would agree more with their health & habits.. • • St Ann's 31st July 1851 Fleshly passions (are) likewise a fearful flood to carry away the vigor of the soul from the love & power of the truth; espe? cially in our youth....On this ground you can often observe young men of intelligence, and a good measure of religious edification, joining themselves, in matrimonial connec? tion, with very shallow & silly wives, on the mere account of their bulk or bodies, vails or wimples; or the fl?ish & feature of their little faces, without any other real virtue or wisdom to recommend them. And on the other hand, you may, at times, decern a bloomy & bland young woman spliced & sprain? ed for life to a crabbed & corrupt knot of a husband, ensnared by his mere tattling & tickling, smirking & smiling habits, at the time of their wooing; tho? for their future lives together, they manifestly combine, in their intellectual dispositions, but a fire & water; or any other opposite elements. These are some of the sorry & sad results of fickle & fallen nature, by which the world is drowned against God, & real good? ness & godliness. But I find by happy ex? perience, as well as by the sure and sa? cred scriptures, that it is through the pure and powerful spirit of God in Jesus Christ, that we can ever be brought to hate & overcome our sinful inclinations & un? ruly propensities, our worldliness & pride. • • .If I will be spared to cross the great seas, I shall think it my privilege & pleasure to write you a sketch of the scenes & circumstances of the country of our des? tination, in secular & religious concerns. ..I wish to pray Heaven that the long con? tinuation of your attachment to me, 'thro good report, and evil report' amidst all my failings & short comings, would be blessed to your own souls; and that any deficience in ray doctrine, or example, might not prove a stumbling block to any of you. I hope I write these remarks in the sincerity of my heart, as in the sight of the Lord; and not from any false or feigned humility; altho' I feel too much of that sort of falsehood in my own mind. With joint & sincere remem? brance from me, my family & friends around us, to you and all well wishing enquirers in your quarters • allowing you, at the same time, the full freedom of permitting the perusal of this letter to any of your ac? quaintance, according to your own inclina? tion & discretion • I am, my dear friend, yours very affectionately, N. McLeod. Our thanks to C.Bruce Fergusson, Provincial Archivist, for his permission to pub? lish selections from "Letters of Rev. Norman McLeod. 1835-51." a Bulletin of the Public Archives of Nova Scotia first published in 1939. Ihe entire 32-page booklet edited with an introduction bv D.C.Harvev. is still available, i'arite to the Public Archives of Nova Scotia. Coburg Street. Halifax, for a price list of publications. The title for this article is taken from the last words uttered bv Rev. Norman Mc? Leod on his deathbed, as recorded in Jaraes B. Lamb's recent book. Ihe Hidden Heri? tage; Buried Romance at St. Ann's N.S. Ihe book is an'extremely readable account ot events centered on St. Ann's Bay. It is a book we would recomraend. The photograph of Rev. McLeod is taken from More Studies in Nova Scotian History by George Patterson. We Buy & We Sell and We're as Near as your Telephone Sids Used Furniture Phone 564-6123 436 Charlotte Street, Sydney The Moxham Room Din. m th. warm congenial atmo? sphere of our well-appointed dining room. Fin. food, attentive service and m comprehensive wine list. You'll enjoy dining with u*. Call on ut soon. Holiday Inn of Sydney, Nova Scotia 480 King's Road Telephone (902) 539-6750 yyoolcD PHARMACY Operated by Mansons Drugs Ltd. OLD AS 1903: Still offering the same old fashion quality service to Cape Breton, NEW AS 1976: Offering Drug Plans, Charge Cards, Delivery, Mail-Order and most important • a Hearty Ihank Vou for shopping Wbolco Pharmacy where prices are low enough to really make a difference. 73 YEARS OP SERVICE
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