Page 23 - From a Night at Bob Fitzgerald's
ISSUE : Issue 61
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1992/8/1
said, "Look. Father." I said, "You go in the pulpit and you preach, the only one can take you out of this world is the Blessed Father in Heaven. When he's ready to go. he crooks his finger and he says. 'Come on.' and you come. Now, the only one that can send you back is Him. If you come back here, you don't come back on your own steam. He sends you back. That's the only way that you can get back." Now, this is what I told Father, too. I said, "Scripture tells us our earthly pos? sessions don't mean a snap of our fingers. So we're not coming back for our earthly possessions. And God called us, so He's ready for us. What's He sending us back for, to terrify somebody to death? That's foolish." And I said, "If you're in Heav? en, it's all happiness. You preach it. Why would you want to come back? If you're in Hell, there's no redemption. How are you going to get out of there?" So I said. "How do the dead come back?" I said. "If the dead come back, there's going to be an awful lot of us get an awful surprise, be? cause the other world is not what you've got it pictured at all." And I sincerely believe that. w Shears. I don't ever know where he went. I never heard any- ' thing of him ? after he lived in Neil's Har? bour. That's the last place ever I heard of Ben Shears liv? ing. Well, when I was a little fel? low- -well, 50, 55 years ago-- 60 years | ago--you'd hear many people speak of Ben Shears. You know. Of course, at that time they talked about all different kind of things and ghost yarns and stories, and uncommon things. And Ben Shears would usually come up when people got together in a house and started tell? ing those stories. Somebody would mention Ben Shears. Now. I don't know. (Bob, I asked you--at our first meeting in 1976--did you know of Ben Shears, and was there family and connection left here, and you said Ben Shears came out of....) Bob: Yes. He came out of nowhere and, as far as we know, he disappeared into nothingness. 'Cause I don't know what happened to Ben The first place ever I heard of him, and the way that most people heard of him. and the first place that I knew of that he was situated in this country, was at the mouth of South Harbour. And there's a place there--I told you that before--Ben's Cave. Didn't I? (I don't think so....) Well, there's a cave there in the side of the Ihere s LOTS OF FUN BREWING Nova Scotia THIS Summer FORA COMPLETE LIST OF HOMETOWN WELCOME EVENTS AND THEIR DATES, CALL 1-800-565-0000 (OPERATOR 33).
Cape Breton's Magazine