Page 63 - Stephen Patrick Sampson - My Life
ISSUE : Issue 61
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1992/8/1
Peter's. My wife gave birth to a son on December 20, 1919. In March 1920, we moved to Trenton and got rooms and board with a family we knew. In June our son, Thomas, got spinal meningitis and died. My broth? er-in-law wrote to me wanting to know if I would go fishing with him. I didn't like to go but my wife begged me to. She said she would be home with her own people. I fished with him from June 1920 until March 1921. We went fishing lobsters until mackerel fishing time. In March 1921, my brother-in-law took me out to a place named New Frase, P.E.I, to fish lobsters for the McAdam Brothers. They furnished boat and gear, fed us and gave us a shanty to live in. My brother- in-law took me out to the fishing grounds with seven coils of rope, 100 fathoms in each coil. We took an anchor, fastened a buoy line to it, and went out in ten fath? oms of water. We dropped the anchor and buoy line overboard, ran a straight line from east to west, and with one coil dropped an anchor and buoy at the end of that coil. We did the same with the other coils and ran them parallel to the first coil until we had the seven lines out. The traps then would be put on those lines twelve feet apart. After he finished set? ting the lines and fastening the traps on the line, he went back home and started mackerel fishing. He sent a young boy to me to look after the motor, I had seven hundred traps to haul every day, take the lobsters out of the traps, bait the traps, throw them overboard and do the same with every trap until I got at the end of the first line. Then pull up the anchor with the buoy line fastened on the boat, start the motor at full speed and straighten the line out. Then I would drop the anchor and buoy line overboard to keep the traps from getting YOUR HUMAN RIGHTS...W?? CAN HELP The Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission investigates complaints of discrimination, provides information & education, promotes positive race relations & affirmative action, conducts research & liaises with community groups & organizations. Central Office: Lord Nelson Arcade, 7th Floor, Halifax (902) 424 - 4111 T.D.D. /Voice, Fax: (902) 424 - 0596 Other Offices: Sydney, New Glasgow and Digby >CI Specialists in ''''sJWv/'' -' • "y'' Phone: 539-4111 T/* • ??. ! H'old'''' • No structural changes y''Xz.JJiiicf • No more painting 'irtU'V' • Clean from inside '''/f'J'f'ti' '''' ESTIMATES 4MeM' 'ieutuMum 341 Welton St.. Sy4ney SERVING ALL OF CAPE BRETON PRODUCTS LTD. tangled up with each other. I had to do the same with the rest of the lines until the seven hun? dred traps would be fished. The boy he sent to me was no help fishing but he sure knew a lot about motors. I very sel? dom came in to the fac? tory with less than two thousand pounds of lobsters. There were plenty of them. The company paid us two and a half cents a pound. I fished from the 26th of April, 1921, to June 30th. We made a hundred dollars each for two months work, I went back with my brother-in-law fishing cod fish until No? vember. He fished smelts from November 1921 to April 1922. I didn't help him fishing smelts but I went with him spear? ing eels. That winter in the Morell River, which was full of spring holes, we got several barrels of eels and shipped them to the fish market in Boston. Pride of car In Love Mth Then This fall, join Sydney insurance investigator Mike MacDonald as he uncovers the mystery of Rags's murder. Mike, Rags, and their friend Sam were buddies during World War II and witnesses to two mysterious murders. At the time, they chose to do nothing, but these murders come back to haunt them, and the danger they evaded earlier finds them once again. This mystery is at the heart of a gripping novel about a man's obsession with the past. Cape Breton writer and artist Ellison Robertson sets In Love With Then in his hometown of Sydney, Nova Scotia. Coming in October tc bookstores throughou Nova Scotia. GOOSE LANE EDITIONS 469 King Street, Fredericton, NB ESB 1E5 Tel: (506) 450 4251 Fax: (506) 450 4251
Cape Breton's Magazine