Page 85 - From a Night at Bob Fitzgerald's
ISSUE : Issue 61
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1992/8/1
devil, it couldn't have been anyone else but the devil. That he saw a man--there was a fellow down there used to go in a red rage, and be out on the road and he'd be drunk, and he used to do a little helling around. And he was in one of those spurts one time. And old Mr. MacKinnon--old Grandpa MacKinnon, as we used to call him --he was fishing at White Point with his father. And, he said his father was look? ing out through the window, and this guy- was marching around, yelling and raising hell. And he said he saw a man standing alongside of one of the buildings when this man was passing by it. And he said the man was 10 feet tall and he had on a long Prince Albert coat and a big, high beaver hat on his head, and he said he was 10 feet tall. And he said there was no man in the community that could even resemble him. And it was nothing else--it was nobody else but the devil. It couldn't be. Now, old Grandpa MacKinnon told me that story. He was with his father. And he said his father fell back from the window and said, "God have mercy on us," and grabbed his rosary beads--he was a Catholic. And he said, "Down on your knees, boys--I just saw the devil." And on their knees they went. And he said the beads. And when he was done saying the rosary, he told them, "Get your duds together and we'll leave." And he said they went home to Smelt Brook where they lived. And after they got -home, he told them that he saw the devil. He said one night they were singing at a house there, and a door was open, and it came right in through the door. And he said it couldn't have been--must have been the devil. I mean--my father didn't believe in things like that. But he'd tell you those kind of things. The same as they'd tell you about seeing the dead and hearing the dead--seeing the dead people. It wasn't such an awful strange thing to see the dead people-- anybody that had left this earth, died. There are so many of those stories con? cerning that kind of a thing that, you know, you wonder--you wonder what they were seeing. Now, they were truthful peo? ple- -they were wonderful people. And they were God-fearing people--far more God? fearing people than what they are today. And many of them were--many of them, many of them--99% of them were good Christian people, come from good Christian families. And they believed that.... Rightly or wrongly, who would we be to say it? They were truthful people. And oh, it was nothing for them to see dead people, and hear dead people, talk to them, (Do you know of someone who did that?) Yes. Many people in fey part of the country down There are many cases of people that said that they saw the devil. (Tell me another.) Oh, yes. You take--even my father, I heard him telling about things that they heard, about a yell that they used to hear down there at White Point, or that he heard down there. And he said it couldn't be any? thing else, it must have been the dev? il, they used to hear it. There was nothing there, or nobody there. Yes. Lubrication Specialists • 10 MINUTE OIL CHANGE OPEN 8 AM to 6 PM • MONDAY through SATURDAY 180 PRINCE ST. • P. O. Box 1144 SYDNEY, NS B1P6J7 Tuesdays are Ladies' Day: Get a Free Rose j' with each Oil Change /F Remember QUICK LUBE for a Quick Lube! CAPE BRETON REGIONAL TRANSIT AUTHORITY TRANSIT INFO 539-8124 PEOPLE ON THE MOVE :", LAST YEAR DR. GLASS SA VED OVER 1,500 WINDSHIELDS WE COULD SAVE YOURS! 0 Get your DISCOUNT BUS TICKETS at Shoppers Drug Mart stores in Industrial Cape Breton ALSO... FULL AUTO GLASS SERVICE • insurance approved issisns i I& AUTO TRIM J ...and your insurance may pay for it because it saves them money! 'FREE* • coffee while you wait • drop off your car and it'll be ready when you finish work we'll even pick you up if it's not too far! • our hours are flexible if yours aren't seniors' discount 564-4527 186 PRINCE. SYDNEY at the tracks THE WINDSHIELD SPECIAUSTS FREE MOBILE SERVICEI
Cape Breton's Magazine