Page 21 - A Visit with Herman Murphy, Ingonish
ISSUE : Issue 62
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1993/1/1
far as Jack's horse had gone. So, I slipped the horse off, the old harness with the sleigh and everything. Just left the backpad on. but not britching on her. And I tried to gather the ropes into a bag, up to the turnbuckle, the backpad. Harold said, "I'm going to walk out to? wards Neil's Harbour"--that'd be about 4 miles. "I'll walk out to where the men cut their wood in the wintertime." He said, "Maybe they've got the road broke there." I said, "That's good. Perhaps they will." He walked out. And I kept going with Char? lie. He was making heavy weather, but he was doing all right. So, at 12 o'clock I met him, over on what we call Oak Hill. And I was about 2 1/2 miles from where ??a had started in the morning. So he said, "Boy, if we don't get through today, we'll never get through." He said, "The Neil's Harbour fellows--there's no road broke. But," he said, "what they did, they snow- shoed from Neil's Harbour, right to their woodlot, in the middle of the road." And he said, "Now, if that freezes tonight, now we're going to have something that you'll never get through any more the winter." "Well," I said, "Charlie is good for it. I'll give him an hour's rest. And we'll keep going." So I gave him an hour's rest; I gave him the oats. And we had lunch our? selves. We started on. And at 8 o'clock that night, or half past 8, we made Neil's Harbour. So, I had accoimnodations there, I used to stay at a place up on the hill. And Herman In the snow, and two pictures of WIngo we went to bed that night. There were big high bedsteads--these iron bedsteads, and the high points on them. And we had the ar? my breeches in these days--woolen, heavy army breeches. And, all we wore were brac? es in those days--all braces on the heavy pants. And we hung our braces up over the head of the bed. And the end of our britch? es were just about taking the floor. tec to {fe lifiiW Qb' 1. Winter Getaways I 2. Theme Events I 3. Conference Rate '22 A?*' P'' couple • accommodations one night • dinner for two, one night • accommodations two nights • dinner for two, one night • accommodations three nights • dinner for two, two nights Taxes & gratuity extra. Oef. %, 1992 - Juna IS, 1993 r~ " Month Day Theme JANUARY 23. Country FEBRUARY 5/6........Snowmobile 13. ....Valentines 26/27....Murder Mystery 12-22 Kids - March Break 26/27....Murder Mystery 50s & 60s MARCH APRIL Available from SEPT. 92-JUNE 93 starting at %'m%'?? * per person double occupancy $20.00 I RESORTi/ Discount on Winter Getaway I, II or III OM. 1ft. 199a - Jmim is, 199S 1-800-565-5660 • a $20.00 discount on Winter This coupon entitles the bearer to re Getaway I, n or IH. Redeemable for coupon per Winter Getaway I, n or lu. _ 1-S00-S6S-S(60 " A Lakeside Country Inn Resort' Shore Road, Baddeck THE BEST VALUE m HOVA SCOTtAt GUARANTEED! Our conference package includes the following: • Country Breakfast, luncheon and a fuU-course dinner • Overnight accommodation • Two coffee breaks • Personalized service • Complimentary A.V. Equipment; overheads, flipcharts, monitors, etc.
Cape Breton's Magazine