Page 56 - Selections from Out of the Depths: The Experiences of Mi'kmaw Children at the Indian Residential School at Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia - A New Book by Isabelle Knockwood
ISSUE : Issue 63
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1993/6/1
which Nancy could not eat. She asked me, "Do you want my greens?" I said, "Yes, but wait until Aniap looks away." The nun never took her eyes off me diuing the whole meal and when it was almost over, Nancy panicked and took the spinach and put it in her pocket. Chico caught the movement of her elbow and whis? pered to Wikew. Wikew had long since taken off her rosary beads so we wouldn't hear them ratding when she came up from behind us, so Nancy didn't hear her coming and I couldn't wam her be? cause the other nun, Chico, had stepped aside to get a better view until Wikew got there. Wikew came up behind Nancy, grabbed her by tiie hair and pulled her head back. As her head was jerked back I saw the look that seemed to say, "Isabeile, why didn't you wam me?" I felt so guilty for not having kicked her under the ta? ble, but Chico was watching every move. If she could spot the movement of Nancy's elbow, I was sure she would spot the move? ment of my leg under the table. Holding Nancy's head back, Wikew was yelling, "What have you got in your pocket?" Nancy mumbled, "Greens." 'Take them out of your pocket and put tiiem on your place." Wikew took a fork and be? gan to cut tiie spinach in small pieces while tiie rest of the kids watched. Nancy had her head down and she was crying. Tears were falling in her lap. I was getting really scared now and Winked back my own tears. If I'd been caught crying, I would have been beaten too. Wikew took a spoon and began spooning the spinach into Nan? cy's moutii. Nancy gagged. The nun pinched her nose and food splat? tered all over the place, including on my plate and Wikew's face. The nun was yelling, "Swallow it, Nancy, swallow it." Nancy was trying to stop crying so she would be able to swallow, but she couldn't. Wi? kew just kept shovelling the food in her mouth and hitting her Ups TAMA WALK ON THE WILD 5WE. . . EXPLORE JBJC Eastern Counties Regional library 390 Murray Street, P.O. Bag 2500 Uulgrave. N.S. 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Her face was pink with anger. She forced open Nancy's mouth by placing her thumb on one cheek and her middle finger on the other cheek. Then she grabbed a tin cup of milk ami poured it in her mouth. Nancy's eyes began to roll and she seemed to be losing consciousness. Wikew finally took her by the hair and rubbed her face in her plate. The boys were all standing on the benches to get a better view. Some tumed away in disgust, while others kept their eyes glued to the spectacle. Nancy's place was cleaned up and her plate was removed and washed in the scullery by one of the girls. Nancy was led out by two girls, one on each arm, to the lavatory to be washed up. As she passed by, she was barely able to walk. Her head was bowed and a mixture of tears and blood was sfreaking down her face. Her mouth and cheeks were badly swollen and her lips were purple. She was sobbing and gasping for air and holding her back rigid and sti-aight. That is the image that is imprinted on my mind today. I never saw Nancy alive again. The next I heard of her, she was in the infirmary on the third floor. The next day, Wikew re? moved Nancy's tin plate and told the little girls to move down one Cape Breton has a , beautiful view of history. CapeBretonlslandisworldrenownedforitsrichtapeshy of tmparalleled vistas and diverse cultural and heritage attractions. And nowhere is this more apparent than in our National Parks and Historic Sites. Located within e'y reach of each other, our parks and sites are separated only by some of tiie most spectacular drives in North America. Wmd through the Cabot Trail in Cape Breton Highlands National Park. Marvel at tiie genius of Alexander Graham Bell and Guglielmo Marconi. Step through the gates of the Fortress of Louisbourg and be fransported into 18th-cenhuy New France. Sholl the shores of St. Peters Canal and Grassy Island. At each site, friendly and knowledgeable staff will help you make the most of your visit witii special tours and presentations. 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