Page 66 - Visit with Will Pringle, Richmond County
ISSUE : Issue 63
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1993/6/1
wife's father drove a stagecoach for awhile. (What was his name?) Alexander Mac- Isaac. There was a stop in St. Peters--this was the latter days of the stagecoach--stop in St. Peters, and that's where he met Christine Macintosh. That would be my wife's mother--we call her Grammy. Vftien she was a young girl, she was working there. So that's how they met. (Any idea of the dates when your father-in-law drove the stage? coach?) Oh, roughly--1880 to--I couldn't be too sure, but 18-something. 1887 to 1898. Until the train took over. And then of course there were the early steamboats--they ran from Arichat to St. Peters to Sydney. The Richmond. 1 remember of my father taking the cream over to Mar? ble and it went down on the Richmond down to Sydney. One day it was very, very stormy. And he was a ferryman for.... So my mother had to go over for groceries, I guess, do some shopping. And they picked Cape Breton Boarding Kennels MODERN HEATED FACILITY FOR DOGS AND CATS • Open 12 Months • Indoor - Outdoor Dog Kennels • New Cattery Separate Building from the Dogs • Certiflcation of Vaccination Required 737-2281 R- R. #1, GLACE BAY, N. S. ? Point Aconi Generating Station is a 165 megawatt generating that is being built on Boularderie Island in Cape Breton. Point Aconi will use the cleanest available coal buming technology. SO2 (sulphur dioxide) emissions at Point Aconi will be decreased by 90 percent and NOx (nitrogen oxides) emissions will be decreased by 65 percent compared to conventional coal-fired units. Find out more about this exciting, environmentally sound technology at the Point Aconi Information Centre. There you will find a short film about the generating station, its technology and environmental concerns. As well, you'll see for yourself how Power Smart works to "use less energy better" and you'll get a chance to view a process diagram of the generating station and test your newly discovered skills by playing electronic, interactive games. i/jdtAiE''r'''''''''- Open 9 - 4:30, Monday to Friday or by appointment. up the cream. It was blowing very hard from the northwest. For 19 years he was ferryman back and forth to the Marble (Marble Mountain). And she said it was-- "As soon as I got outside in the channel, it was stormy and the spray was fly? ing...." But she had good faith in Pop's seamanship. So the old sloop was leaning way over. They went in to the Marble. And squalls off the mountain that got quite dangerous. I know in sailing there, in yacht racing, that you had to watch it. There were some men on the wharf, and they said, "Oh, Dan, you took an awful chance taking a passenger over today." "Oh," he said, "that wasn't a passenger--that was just my wife!" li/iil chucJcles. (Your father was the ferryman from here ) To the Marble. (That's Marble Mountain.) Yes. And there was a thousand men on the mountain, on the payroll then. They were from Poland, and around here, different parts of Canada. (See "This was Marble Mountain" in Issue 22 of Cape Bre? ton's Magazine.) He even ferried across, he said, some coloured people from the West Indies. It was in the summer and they found it cool. Yes, for 19 years--after he came off the-- he used to go to the Grand Banks, sailed out of Gloucester. (So it's your great-grandfather who first came here.) James Pringle was the great? grandfather, yes. And he was the fellow that started.... The second house he built is still standing down there. It should have been made into a heritage house. (That's the one at the bottom of the hill here?) Right. In the valley down there. It knew prosperity. When James Pringle was shipping cattle and geese to Newfoundland. And then it knew hard times. So bad that I ' LIIVIITED 110 Reeves SL SYDNEY, N. S. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS "Serving Cape Breton Over 35 Years" SPECIALIZING IN: ?? INDUSTRIAL • COMMERCIAL - INSTITUTIONAL • RESIDENTIAL ?? • WIRING CONTRACTORS • MAINTENANCE SERVICEI • ELECTRIC HEATING SYSTEMS • FREE ESTIMATES f FAX 526-1699 562-1132 MULTECGi4s?? COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL storefronts • Automatic Entrances • Commercial Windows EMERGENCY SERVICE AVAILABLE • Thermo Insulated Units • Aluminum Entrances • Glass Replacement • Caulking Repairs • Custom Glass • Door Hardware • Weatherstripping . • Replacement Stained Glass YOUR GLASS SPECIALISTS 539-3682 FAX 562-0077 66 SERVING ALL OF THE 5YDNEY ISLAND
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