Page 76 - A Story Told in Gaelic and in English - "Tachraidh na Daoine far Nach Tachair na Cnuic"
ISSUE : Issue 63
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1993/6/1
• A Story Told in Gaelic and in English • "Tachraidh na Daoine far Nach Tachair na Cnuic" Archie Alex l/lacKenzie's Story in Gaelic: Na Gaidheil ghasda a bha ann an Eilean Cheap Breatuinn, bha iad nan daoine a bha gu math dichiollach, fireanach, onorach 's bha Ruairidh M6r mar sin. Ruairidh M6r Mac Iain Oig a bh'ireadh iad ris, bha mar an cianda cosnaiche a bh'fhearr a bha riamh ann. Bha teaghlach m6r aige ach, ged a bha, bh'ireadh e 6. muir agus A tir na chum? adh annlan air a bh6rd fad na bliadhna. Bha e na chleachdadh aige a bhith a reic beathach cruidh a h-uile bliadhna air son tacsaichean, dligheadh 's cisean 'sam bith eile a bhiodh orra a phaigheadh.,- Ach am bliadhna bha seo, an t-agh a bha duil aige a reic, thainig an ceathrainn- g6rm air 's chailleadh e. Thachair seo an null toiseach an t- samhraidh 's cha robh fios aig Ruairidh gu d6 mar a bha e a* dol a dh'fhaighinn air- GAELIC CONTINUES ON OPPOSITE PAGE Archie Alex MacKenzie of Christmas Island Archie Alex's story read for us into English by Joe Neil MacNeil: Highlanders that were in Cape Breton Is? land- -Highlanders , or Scots, I guess--they were men that were ambitious, truthful, and honest. And Big Rory son of Young John, as they would call him, he was like? wise a good worker, one of the best work? ers that there ever was. He had a large family, though indeed he would take from the land and the sea food and condiments that you'd put on the table every day of the year. It was his custom to sell a creature every year--that is, a heifer--to pay for the taxes and other responsibili? ties, whatever they'd have to pay. But this year, it happened on this year, the heifer that he intended to sell, he lost (it) with what they called the blackleg. And this happened over around the first of the summer. And Rory didn't know how he was going to get money to pay the taxes and the other dues and so forth. But how? ever, when he got through with the plant? ing, or when they got the planting in the ground, the sheep were shorn, and every ENGLISH CONTINUES ON OPPOSITE PAGE STOP AT DINO'S fresh baked goods * souvenirs magazines * film * charcoal gifts * novels * camp fuel * ice Ingonish One Stop Store & Deli STAY AT DINO'S Trailer Park Laundromat * close to the National Park * Ingonish
Cape Breton's Magazine