Page 7 - Fishing Gaspereaux on the SW Margaree
ISSUE : Issue 14
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1976/8/1
and you get down to the end, well your gate is there to hold you. But if there's nothing there and you've got half a crate of fish in your net • that terrific pres? sure on your arms • you had to have a man • a good man • to catch that net. We got 2000 barrels that year. Ihat was good fishing. The fish are wild this year. The water is very bright and low. And when they're run? ning in small schools like that they are very wild. When they're running heavy you <:an??t kick them out of your way. You know, they'll just move out a foot and they're right back, vyhen they're running like this year they go out and they don't come back right away. The lobster fishermen tell me where normally they need a depth sounder to see the bottom--10 fathom • this year they can see right to the bottora. So the sea is clear as well. You want a dark water. You want a cloudy day. But I have seen 80 degree day, sun shining • if it's their nature to move that day, they're going to move. We find on the first run it's the females • the greybacks • about 5 to 1. And a week and a half later, you'd be getting a high? er percentage of males. They go up the river round. They come down • they're right flat. I don't think they take any nourish? ment while they are there. And a high per? centage of what is in them is the spawn. Coming back there's only a small little bit of intestine in there. We see them going back in June, Ihe adults, when they are going down they're not swimming • they're going tail first. They're letting the current carry them. Probably here it's because of the falls. Ihey don't want to go down head first on account of the gills opening in the current • prob? ably one of the reasons why they go down tail first. (When do the little ones start coming down the river?) Anytime after the 15th of July, see them going down. See them right till September, de? pending on the date they spawned on Lake Ainslie, I suppose. You may have 100 feet, 500 feet, the whole width of the river going down. Then there'll be a break and you'll think there's no more. Then you'll look after a while and there's another school of them. They are about an inch and a half. They look sort of whitish on the top. And they don't go down straight, the small ones. They don't go down tail first or head first • they go down at an angle with the river. Swimming Pool . Beach . Hiking Trails Game Roora . Boating . Groceries Seal Island trailer and At the Seal Island Bridge CAMPING PARK Phone Boulardarie 57-2 We Buy & We Sell and We're as Near as your Telephone Sid s Used Furniture Phone 564-6123 436 Charlotte Street, Sydney Excellent Accomodations rbe MARklAND DINGWALL, VICTORIA COUNTY, N.S. • PhoiM: Dlijgwall 48 Mrs. Chester McBvoy, Manager ACOBSON'S ILADIES WEAR LTD.: "Toinorrew'i FosfcioflS faofured TocJoiT mn'pMP p M Charlotte Street' Sydney CHRYSLER ToAel JC'I Docioe Chi y/tef 55 Victoria Road Sydney "We think Customer" CHRYSLER TROPICANA Restaurant & Lounge jyoolw Mimm SYDNEY SHOPPINS MALL Prince St reet, Sydney Restaurant Hours 11 AM - 11 FM Lounge Hours 11 AM - 1 AM TOP BANDS NIGHTLY PHARMACY Operated by Mansons Drugs Ltd. OLD AS 1903: Still offering the sarae old fashion quality service to Cape Breton. J'W AS 1976s Offering Drug Plans, Charge Cards, Delivery, Mail-Order and most important • a Hearty Ihank You for shopping foolco Pharmacy, where prices are low enough to really raake a difference • 73 YEARS OP SBRVICB
Cape Breton's Magazine