Page 93 - "Is Your Father Dead Yet"? with Allan MacDougall of "Hughie & Allan"
ISSUE : Issue 63
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1993/6/1
they weren't that plentiful, you know. You never--well, you just stayed, and worked, and got as much money as you got, and nev? er gave it much of a thought about what else you were going to do, or anything like that. And then the war started, and that looked after it all. You had to go. So I was in the Army for 4 1/2 years. I came out of the army and I came back, and they had, like I said, sold out to Acadian Lines. All this happened while I was in the Army. And then, like I told you, Ernie Smith came along one day, and went in the car business. That's what I did from then on; I never did any? thing else. Sold cars for 25 years, I guess. I was with Logue's for 11 years, I think. And I met Alfie Sampson one day, and he had started Sampson Motors. And he said, "I'll give you a little better deal," he said, "if you want to come with me. I know you know a lot of peo? ple, and you must be selling some cars." I thought it over and then decided I'd try it. I liked Gerard Sampson--Gerard would be your boss because Gerard was going to run the inside part of it. So I went with them. And I spent 10 years with them, I guess. and working for Gerard--they came back and found me here, and traded with me. I did that for quite a number of years, until I got to a point where I had to go back in (the hospital) and they did some more, take some more pieces out. After that, I wasn't that good any more.... And I built that store out there. And the wife said she was going to run it. I started it, got stock through the whole? sales, and they were all glad to put stuff in because they knew it would be a good location. So she ran it for--oh, golly. And then these fellows from New Glasgow came in and started Cape Breton Chrysler, and they put up that garage up there, and got Ger? ard to run it. So I went with Ger? ard, and spent the rest of my working days there. And I got sick, and was in the hospital for 6 months. They took all the pieces out of me. I never went back to work since. I worked, actually--I started bootlegging some cars out of the yard here. And I did as well as I was doing for anybody else, doing it for my? self. I used to have 5, 6 cars around here all the time. And peo? ple coming--a lot of people that I knew when I was working for Alfie Island Crafts Old-Fashioned Charm Is Our Trademark Handlcnit Fishermen's Sweaters • Kitchen Accessories Ruffied Cushions • Baby Items • Hand Appliqued Quilts Intricate Designs in Pottery • Hats & Scarves for Every Age Group Designer Mohair Sweaters • Mad Potters Collection • Boats in Bottles Cookbooks • A Good Selection of Local Literature • Excellent Selection of Cape Breton Literature and Mu 329 Charlotte St. ~ DOWNTOWN SYDNEY - 539-4424 OPEN YEAR ROUND: Monday-Saturday: 9-5 Nightingale Nursing Services iZI 24 hours; 7 days a week service iZI R.N.'s - C.N.A.'s {21 Homemakers & babysitters {21 Care provided in home or hospital {21 Bonded & insured {21 Reasonable rates FULLTIME R.N. NURSING SUPERVISION 625-3745 '''i'X''r', 562-6274 PORT HAWKESBURY Local Needs SYDNEY SERV NG ALL CAPE BRETON SLAND
Cape Breton's Magazine