Page 19 - Percy Peters: The Horse in the Well
ISSUE : Issue 64
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1993/8/1
going to put a lot of hay out." I had that barn full of hay--the neighbour's barn. "Put a lot of hay out on the ground. And he'll have that ready when we get him up, and put him right on that pile of hay." And that's what we did. They had it. And then they went to the barn and they got a lot of old horse rugs, and blankets of any kind we could get. And we put that over it. And we covered him with hay also. He was soaked with anxiety, down where he was, you know. You would too, in his position. So anyway, we covered him up--to make a long story short. So, aw, he was numb. We left everything, the gear off. And I went to the house. And I said, "Now, he'll be perished for a drink." I got a bucket of tepid water--not too warm, not too cold-- to coddish him. You know, or probably give him pneumonia. It'd go down his lungs. So, he wanted that--didn't matter if it was warm or not, long as it was moist. Well, he drank that--got his head up--he drank that. Well, I wouldn't give him another one. So anyway, we just said, "Now, we'll leave him." We covered him right over com? pletely with blankets and hay. r. there were a lot of us gathered--"stand beside him, but be careful to move away in case he'd come right down on top of you like again." See--wobble. So, we did. And it just--he did, a couple of knees stag? gered, but the boys were standing there, and they had her all ready. We let him stand momentarily--oh, probaby 5 minutes. And, we didn't want to bring the other mare out. We took her and put her in the barn, of course. Now she, she'd be there. So I said, "We'll leave him. In time, he will try to get up when he gets his legs under him." So I checked his legs, see if I could hear any bones broken, you know. Around his hips, could be. I didn't hear anything. So we left him. By gracious, after awhile he started to move. So when he was getting along, he'd look up at us. So I said, "Go and get the mare, and bring the mare over." And they came back--one of my boys went back, brought the mare over. And when she saw him, she started to whinny for him. She ran right up. And he whinnied--just what he had--he gave her a little answer. So after awhile, the mare--when he got his legs under him--I'11 shorten this, 'cause it'll probably bore people. When he got ready, when he knew he was up--when his legs would take him and hold him--"Now," I said, "boys, when he starts to get up"-- Aviation Career Academy Located at Sydney Airport Is NOW Starting a Private Pilot Course. • If you've always wanted to fly and never tried it, NOW is the timel! • Contact one of our professional flight instructors and get an introductory flight for as low as $15/person. 564-9170 Professional Pilot Course Enrollment Also Available "Now," I said, "just start the mare away to go to the barn." Well, she started, then he made a few wobbly steps. And after awhile, when he went a few steps, we'd leave him stop. And then went and put him in the barn. We kept the blankets on him all this time. When he got up, we threw them right, over him. And we got him in the barn, I got him another bucket of warm water. And just Office for Race Relations and Cross-Cultural Understanding Nova Scotia Department of Education The Department of Education, through the Office for Race Relations and Cross Cultural Understanding provides leadership regarding race relations, anti-radst educa? tion, multiculturalism. Black and Native education and human rights. The aims and objectives of the Office aremet through co-operation with Department of Education staff, external educational partners such as school boards, universities, assodations, other government agendes and the general public. The Race Relations and Cross-Cultural Understanding Office staff provides a variety of services both internally and to the public school system, some of which are: • Support in developing and implementing policies and programs on race relations, cross-cultural understanding and human rights • Developing a provincial comprehensive strategy in race relations, cross-cultural understanding and human rights • Identifying and developing resources reflective of racial, ethnic and cultural groups which are free from bias, prejudice and stereotyping • Developing racial, ethnic and cultural specific curriculum and complementary resources • Providing information on anti-radst education, English as a second language, Mi'Kmaq studies. Black studies and heritage language • Presenting workshops and in-services on a variety of topics in race relations, multicultural education. Black and Mi'Kmaq education • Acting on recommendations fi-om partners; e.g. Nova Scotia Advisory Group on Race Relations, Select Committee, Voluntary Planning, Nova Scotia School Boards Association and Nova Scotia Teachers' Union For further information, fax 424-0519 or contact: Glenda Redden, Coordinator for Multiculturalism, 424-4307 Janis Jones-Darrell, Race Relations & Cross-Cultural Understanding Consultant, 424-2032 Marjorie Gould, Mi'Kmaq Education Consultant, 424-3429 >C rsf' Department of **' Education Honourable John MacEachern I
Cape Breton's Magazine