Page 51 - Dr. A.W. Miller: Notes from a Medical Practice Down North, 1906
ISSUE : Issue 64
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1993/8/1
weeks later, her husband came running to the office saying the woman had a bad labor pain. Grabbing my bag and leaving without even closing the door, I hurried to the house. But just as I was entering, another pain came and a beautiful boy was born. Pla? centa came away easily and no bad effects on her heart were noted. A new treatment for diphtheria. Our Profes? sor, the late Dr. D. A. Campbell, in treat? ing diphtheria, cautioned us that the treatment for diphtheria was anti-toxin given early and given freely. "But," he con? tinued, "some of you young men may find yourself in the country where anti-toxin is not readily available. If so. I would give you a tip. There is in the City of Halifax an old practitioner, very successful in his treatment of diphtheria. And his treatment consists in getting his patient under the influence of alcohol. He reports that there is a natural antagonism between the diph? theritic germ and alcohol. It requires a large amount of alcohol to get the patient under its influence. But once under, he con? siders that he has the disease conquered." I was called to South Harbor to see a pa? tient and found his throat completely cov? ered. An adherent membrane covered the fauces extending also over the uvula. Diphtheria. I had no anti-toxin and it would require at least two days before I could get any. I thought of Campbell's tip. Asked if there were any whiskey available. "Can get some on your order," he replied. "Very well. Get two bottles and hang your hat on the bed-post and drink until you see two hats." Next day I was unable to see the patient, being called a long distance in the opposite di? rection. On the second day, however, I visited him, and found him up and feeling "unco happy." Inquired as to how he felt. "Never better in my life. Drank the two bottles of whiskey and feel fine." Exami? nation revealed that the membrane had al? most completely disappeared. I considered SIMEON'S II Family Restaurant 427 Grand Lake Road, Sydney 562-0251 We Feature: • Full Course Meals • Fresh Seafood • Steaks • Chops • Ethnic Dishes • Homemade Pies Baked Fresh Daily Come in! We would love to serve you! SIMEON'S Restaurant & Tiffany Dining Room FULLY LICENSED Plummer Ave., New Waterford 862-8090 • 862-8093 We feature the same great food as Simeon's II & we have large Banquet Facilities & Lounge him well on the road to recovery. "Doc? tor," he said, "was it really diphtheria I had?" "There is no doubt in my mind that it was," I replied. "Well, doctor, under similar circumstances, I would not mind having diphtheria once a week." Many more interesting experiences occur to me, but as I have already far surpassed my limit of space, I must perforce say, Au Revoir, A. W. Miller Our thanks to Theresa Curtis MacDonald of Aspy Bay who intro? duced us to Dr. A. W. lUliller's writing. And to his grandson H. K. Miller who supplied a typescript, additional information, and photographs. Dr. Ken Murray provided the printed version. According to Dr. Murray, Dr. Miller's article first appeared in The Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin around 1936. There's obviously more to be told about Dr. Miller's experiences in northern Cape Breton, and certainly about the rest of his life. Around 1908, he left northern Cape Breton and set up practice in the newly- formed town of New Waterford. He obviously built an extraordi? narily good reputation.... And when Dr. Miller died (11 September 1937), the Post Record wrote: "People from all parts of Cape Breton and from all walks of life gathered here yes? terday morning to pay their last respects to the memory of a man who was loved and respected by all. Dr. A. W. Miller. "The funeral without exception was one of the most largely attended witnessed here in DEPART ARRIVE SYDNEY HALIFAX 7:30 A.M. 2:45 P.M. Go ACADIAN 4 TRIPS DAILY BETWEEN SYDNEY & HALIFAX TRIP 72 - Daily pick ups in: NORTH SYDNEY. LITTLE BRAS D'OR. BIG HARBOUR, BADDECK, LITTLE NARROWS, WHYCOCOMAGH, PORT HASTINGS. PORT HAWKESBURY, & others (TRURO 1:15 P.M. VIA RAIL connection) IR1P.64L-Daily pick ups in: NORTH SYDNEY 11:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M. (11:25 AM.), BADDECK (12:15 P.M.), WHYCOCO- MAGH(12:45 P.M.), ANTIGONISH (2:00 P.M.) TRIP 54 - via St. Peter's - Pick ups in: SYDNEY RIVER, 2:15 P.M. 9:50 P.M. BIG POND, ST. PETER'S, GRAND ANSE, CLEVELAND, PORT HAWKESBURY, & others IBlELZe - Pick ups in: NORTH SYDNEY, BADDECK, 6:00 P.M. 12:10 A.M. WHYCOCOMAGH, PORT HAWKESBURY (SUNDAY to FRIDAY only) (schedule Subject to Change) CALL TOLL FREE1 -454-9321 for further information EiW=H4Hilil#l • Same day service to most Maritime points • Collect shipments now accepted • Excess insurance available to $500.00 • "Priority Pak" our new 12"x16" waterproof envelope with a flat rate throughout the Maritimes • sold 10 to a package $50.50 (includes GST) GRAYLINE SIGHTSEEING TOURS June 1 - October 15 See Historic Halifax / Peggy's Cove We depart from most hotels for these tours. ACADIAN LINES LIMITED 6040 Almon Street, Halifax, N. S. B3K 5M1 51
Cape Breton's Magazine