Page 65 - L'eau qui rajeunit / The Fountain of Youth: Told in Acadian French by Marcellin Hache, as collected by Pere Anselme Chiasson and then retold in English by Rosie Aucoin
ISSUE : Issue 64
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1993/8/1
close"...the door closed. He then went off to find his boat and told his captain, "We are going to leave for home." When they arrived a short distance away, everything was calm, he took his binocu? lars and looked towards the shore. He saw what appeared to be a battle. People were fighting among themselves. He said to the captain, "I'm going to anchor the boat and go for a swim. I'm going to see what this battle is all about." When he arrived at the shore, he noticed that it was his two brothers who were in? volved in the fight. He approached a man and asked. "Why is there a dispute going on here?" The man replied, "Well, do you see those two guys?" "Yes." The man con? tinued, "Well, these two guys have been running around. They came here on their father's boat, sold it for next to nothing so that they'd have money to drink. They've spent all their money, now they're trying to escape from paying a debt of $200.00 owed to the hotel manager where they're staying." The youngest son asked, "If I was to pay for their debt, could I have those two guys?" The man replied, "For sure." The man showed him the way to the hotel manager. The youngest son ex? plained, "Release those two guys and I'll pay their debt." The ho? tel manager immediately respond? ed, "Yes, I'll give them to you right away." find it. I found the water myself." The King said, "Yes?" The son replied, "Follow the directions for example.... You should drink a full glass of the water without stopping." The King filled up a glass of water and exclaimed, "Oh. it's like salt water." He drank it all and became violently ill to his stomach. The older brothers were watching and said, "It is us who found the real 'water that rejuvenates,' not him." He gave the hotel manager the $200.00 and brought the two brothers with him which was cer? tainly a mistake on his part. He told them about the "water that rejuvenates" which he found for their father. They ended up stealing from him. It was while the youngest son was sleeping in his room. The two brothers fig? ured it wouldn't do that their brother was going to inherit half of their father's fortune. (The king had already told them that if they brought back the "water that rejuvenates" to him, they would receive half of his fortune and his crown...the other would receive nothing.) They started searching through their brother's room and found the bottle of water under his pillow. It was the same colour as salt wa? ter. They exchanged the "water that rejuvenates" from the bottle and replaced it with salt water... returned it under the pillow. When they had all returned home to their father, the youngest son an? nounced to his father, "My two brothers went in search of the 'wa? ter that rejuvenates' but couldn't Your Cape Breton Highlands Vacation Resort. Ckfrni RESORT LTD. INGONISH, NOVA SCOTIA TEL: 285-2049 • 90 Units • Licensed Dining Room • Gift Shop • Golfing • Private Ocean Beach • Swimming Pool GLENGHORM Scottish Gaelic Translation "THE GREEN AND THE BLUE" The green lawns rolling down to meet the blue of the ocean. More than just a place to stay overnight: a vacation resort 0 Senior Citizens Secretariat HELP IS JUST A TOLL-FREE CALL AWAY One of the widely-used services offered by the Senior Citizens' Secretariat is that provided through the toll-free telephone line for seniors and persons who care for their needs. Our staff is trained to provide the answers to many of the questions that concem seniors, including those about pensions, home care services, community volunteer groups, home maintenance, housing and health. Moreover, our staff knows where to turn for answers to inquiries about problems with which they might not be totally familiar. It's a no-cost help line and information service established specifically for our older citizens, their famihes and their caregivers. We've devised a telephone number to match our mandate: For (4) twenty-four hour (24) service at no charge (00) to persons 65 years and over (65). When the bracketed numbers are put together they read 424-0065. That's us • easy to reach, easy to remember. Dial 1-424-0065 if calling from points outside the Hahfax area. Province of Nova Scotia Hon. James Smith, Chairman The Senior Citizens' Secretariat
Cape Breton's Magazine