Page 48 - D.R. Boyle of West Arichat from a Richmound County Diary, 1887
ISSUE : Issue 65
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1994/1/1
(1865) It was during this Summer that the late Father Alex McDonald died and that the present incumbent took charge. The following Win? ter I taught school at Black Glen and boarded around. Salary was something like sixty dollars. The school was large and fair progress was effected. (1866) The following Summer I again taught at the Cross Roads with little success • attending all examinations of teachers in the mean? time, but never graduating worth a cent. In the Fall of 1866 I left for Antigonish College in company with D. S. Campbell and there succeeded no better than I should have. At the close of the term I was called to teach at South Side, Antigonish Har? bour, but the sight of the schoolhouse discouraged me and I hired Clerk with my boarding mistress. Sergeant Guy and Mrs. were also boarders and so were Angus Mclsaac Shaw, Angus McLennan, Mich- ale McDonald and the late Rev. Alex McGillivray and Peter McLellan. I came home in June, walking the distance back, just as I had done thither. (1867) I opened school at Smithville. During my incumbency at Black Glen brother Archy got married and sister Catherine got married, while I held forth at Smithville. In the Fall of 1867 I took charge of the South West school and taught there for a year; also boarding around. Average salary was about $70.00 per term. A small subscription was made during the last term to supplement my salary, which didn't amount to much. I was most of the time boarding at Archy Cameron's and Donald McDonald's, whil ing away the time singing songs, etc. (1868) At this time I used to go to the South East Temperance Lodge and take part in the debates. The late Neil E. Jamieson, one of the big guns,... and taught school there. In the fall of 1868 I came to Arichat and there attended school for four months, Dr. M. McGregor, D.D., was read master. Here I made most progress and at the March Exam of teachers obtained a Grade "B" License, making an average of 68. (1869) From thence I went to Broad Cove and taught for six months, after which I went to Mabou and taught 'till the Summer of 1872, when I left for the States. In Mabou I made no money, but what I barely required. Average salary was $200. (1872) In Boston I met with no success and returned home the follow? ing Fall. That same winter I reopened school at the Cross Roads, with a salary of $110.00 and the following summer removed to town again where I taught for another twelve months. (1873) (1874) In the summer of 1874 I left for Tracadie and there remained until the Fall, when I returned and again opened school at the Cross (1875) In the Summer of 1875 I left for Arichat and took charge of Acadiaville upon arrival. Here, then, in my own house, on the night of the 26th of January 1885, I have humbly penned the above. As my diaries, faithfully kept for the past number of years will better supply the rest I will cease memory calls. D.R. Boyle's diaries continued. As an example, here are the day-to-day entries for six months of 1887 and the first days of the new year, 1888: 1887: Tuesday, June 21: Dull. Queen's Jubilee! Should not teach this holiday. 58 herring & 8 cod. Mury again ploughing for Hector • he takes at the rate of 5 days to the acre. This should be a warning to me and all who have ploughing to do. Spoke to McCormack of the River and he says he will be down about the 29th to see about ploughing later on. Desire has commenced collecting taxes • he is not a favorite one. Doyle says that Capt. Landry presented him with a false bill, hence the reason his pay was kept back. 'lis hard to believe as I thought Landry exceptional. Hope to soon see my new plough. Fr. Qui- nan getting blind • hence this trip to Canada. tt Community Banking in Cape Breton • Your Mutual Fund Shop Bank of Montreal We're Paying Attention tt Wednesday, June 22: Dull. Slept but little last night as piles troubled me badly. Got physicked this morning, but I am still in great misery. Hope it not going to fester. Am I going to be incapacitated from all work? Hope God will have mercy on me and spare me my health and strength to enable me to pay my debts and leave my children something to live on. Have a very sharp pain anus, but not far inward like other years. Patsy gone off to nets all alone and hope he will be back safe. Picard giving off and should endeavour to buy some of his traps as I may require them next summer if I don't teach. Hope God will have pity on my misery and helplessness and speedily restore me. Thursday, June 23: Dull and foggy. Got pig doctored by McRae yesterday. 200 herring, 15 cod. Haddock very scarce this summer. Big Brook folks had lots of herring yesterday and today. Piles not so bothersome today • guess they won't fester this time. McRae is out to send me a bottle of Oak Bark Tan • a healing medicine he says and great to cut away proud flesh. Friday, June 24: Dull and foggy. 50 herring: 10 cod. Ned attacked Mrs. about the split knife and cap on August fellow for hanging round the wharf and table • guess he's got his match, though I don't approve of such. Gar? den is calling for more weeding and will likely get it tomorrow if fine. Sunk one fleet. Saturday, June 25: Fine. Mury commenced at barn, bargain closed at $12.00. Got ten pieces at Lavache and three at Mury's. Must get hard nails and shingles. 50 herring, 3 cod. Sunday, June 26: Fine. Let calves off with cows • they must stick to them from this out. Mass at half past eight. Monday, June 27: Fine and warm. 430 herring, 8 cod. 2 holes in net • got 'em ashore and mended. Mrs. DeCoste going off with Terrio and Mouchat's bill unsatisfied. Tuesday, June 28: Fine. 250 herring, 7 cod, Where's the haddock? Nets fouling badly. School small this summer • let it. Wednesday, June 29: Fine. S.S.P. & P. Lots out to their nets notwithstand? ing the sanctity of the day. To Arichat and gave Fr. R. Papers to Chandler to collect. Supreme Court over but one trial. Lots had fish yesterday. Thursday, - 40 YEARS OF SERVICE TO CAPE BRETON ?ifc Ctjtliircn'H Aii 'Dctrtg of Olapc Sreton INTAKE HOME STUDIES PROTECTION FOSTER HOMES ADOPTION' probiem identification; referral support services; crisis intervention all ages, in permanent homes CHILDREN IN CARE I Suite 7, Provincial Building, 360 Prince Street, Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P 5L1 (562-5506) I SINGLE MOTHERS counselling; support I THE COMMUNITY'S RESPONSIBILITY IS TO PROTECT OUR CHILDREN I counselling; support | 9 "A UNITED WAY SERVICE AGENCY"
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