Page 49 - D.R. Boyle of West Arichat from a Richmound County Diary, 1887
ISSUE : Issue 65
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1994/1/1
June 30: Fine. Off at three. 768 herring • will go to trawl and sink the other nets in the P.M. Agreed about straightening Landry's line with P. Poirier. Re- mi commenced Landry's fence today. Peter won't allow me to make but half the line fence • he will make the rest with boards. Laurence got the hay out of the barn • he will have it all secured and partly covered before night • will make at least $2.00 per day. Friday • Dominion Day • July 1: Fine. Off at three • 928 herring. Will endeavour to visit trawl in p.m. Vautour & Hector also had a share, but near the Cove was blank. Heard from S.L. Peter's doctor, who promises a cure for piles. If such be possible. Saturday, July 2: Fine. 530 herring, 4 cod. Haven't tanned nets this spring and can't do so for few days yet. Mury will have barn covered on Monday and will finish in two or three days more. Sunday, July 3: Fine and hot. Grass scorching and the world suffering for rain. Herring likely gone into deep water. Harbor au Bouche fellows caught as many as 30 bbls. Monday, July 4: Fine and hot. Mury will have barn all covered today, • pity I haven't shingles enough. 230 herring. Baited trawl. Will take haddock net ashore to? night, if possible. Remi gone for more lumber. Tuesday, July 5: Fine and hot. 160 herring, 4 cod. Brought home haddock nets and will soon bring home trawl and likely the nets for a good tanning. Neil McDonald working in a carriage factory and Jim Campbell & Poirier in the dirtiest hole in the Bleachery. Got 12# paint from Desire gratis. Rose gone to sue Laurence for his son's cruelty to a calf. Wednesday, July 6: Fine. 15 herring, 2 cod. Took three nets ashore and sent for tan. Will not again set before there is better appearance of fish. Must prepare ground for turnips at once. Women have most of garden weeded. LeBlanc's well dry. Rose Boudrot went to Arichat on Monday for Law against Laurence Mury and is now nearly a corpse • in her last agony. God forgive and have mercy on her soul. She died at three this p.m. and was fortunate to receive the Last Rites of the Church. Likely Samp? son's property is in a mess as all was deeded to her and now the lawsuits with Mury are likely at an end. Thursday, July 7: Dull and windy. Did not go to nets • got three of them in tan. Will get turnips sown today and leeks. Got 2 bdls. shingles at P. Poirier's four at Hector's and three at Vautour's. This will cover the barn. Hope it will rain as large patches of the hay are burnt out, while the rest is short but thick. Ail the talk is Larose's sudden call on so wicked a mission. Mury will finish to? morrow making about ${number omitted}. Friday, July 8: Fine and hot. Off at Two • got nothing but trouble. Set the other nets. Great haul dans I'ance and in Big Brook. Chandler has thrown up the sponge re Rose's property or claims • also Mury's lawsuits. Annabelle would likely give me great bargains • of her lot. Saturday, July 9: Fine and hot. Ten fires raging along Guysboro Shore. The whole Province is burning up. Did not go to nets. Had some boys picking rocks and barley field is now cleared. Got ali loft of barn in and hay flooring, besides got doors hung, sta? ples, etc. driven. Must now floor threshing floor, etc. Sunday, July 10: Fine and hot. Fr. Q. sang High Mass. Took a cruise to see Marsh • it looks well but cattle are eating it up. Not a pool of water to be seen. Monday, July 11: Dull, foggy and windy. Could not go to nets. Floor in threshing floor and finished it. Now for boarding walls and stable pickets and stanchions. Must get nets home and pack them for the season. Unless it rains this time I'm afraid my hay will be on? ly a 3/4 crop • strawberries will be ruined and many other garden crops slack. Potatoes in new field look well and I am hoping that it will rain sufficient for house use. Pease, beans and beets look real well; onions look fine but cabbage and com are poor whilst parsnip and carrots are very poor • turnips have yet to start. Tuesday, July 12: Rained heavily this morning and got soaked to the skin. 17 herring. Got a lot of cabbage plants down and turnip The Boyle .j. 'd' crest and !'ix x/' motto ''''f' fenS Mj '''''' / i seed. May go to St. Peter's Satur? day and take Angle. Grand Bank fisheries is a failure and shore catch should command good prices. Must try to get 20 pickets from Mrs. Law- lor as well as four or five sticks 12 ft. long but two for stanchions • all this will take a little time yet. What keeps Fr. Beaton? Fifteen years ago today I was on my way to Boston • The time seems long and I guess I did not believe prospects were any better than they are at present. I am now about $300 in debt, but there is about $100 due me by the section for arrears, and as much more for this term. This leaves a net debt of $100, while stock alone would square all that, to say nothing of buildings, farm, etc., etc. Rev. A.T. Mclnnis is status quo, while many more of the friends of those days are dead • the rest all scattered • and I alone away from them all, with no prospects of reunion this side of the grave. Perhaps I have no reason to complain as matters might have been a great deal worse. Thursday, July 14: Fine. Heavy rain and thunder this morning. Didn't go to nets, but will likely go in p.m. Will surely start for St. Peter's on Saturday, weather permitting. Got beets and beans weeded and will likely weed par? snips and carrots and onions tonight. Must get garden thoroughly fixed up this week before haying commences. Wrote deed and have B/S for Picard to Mouchet of all his effects. Picard will give me in payment this night a splen? did net by paying $1.50 extra. This will be less than one-third its value. Must write to Fr. E. and Simon Landry. Fish is likely done until August. Friday, July 15: Fine and taught 'till noon. Got most of nets ashore and tanned. Saturday, July 16: Fine. Off to Arichat in the boat with Angle. Left for St. Pe? ter's at 3 and got there at dark. To see Dr. McDonald, who pronounced An? gle's trouble nasal polyps. Says that I have no kidney trouble and that McRae's tarenin likely cured my piles. Slept at Mrs. McPherson's. Sunday, July 17: Fine. Off for home at daylight and was to Arichat in time The Cape Breton Tourist Association Offers 100,000 Welcomes to All Visitors to Our Island You will find the hospitality truly outstanding while you visit with us. And we hope you will remember us kindly when you return to your homes. IF YOU THINK THE WINTER IS GREAT- iflariMfn COME SEE US NEXT SUMMER! Don Blackwood, Executive Director, Cape Breton Tourist Association, 20 Keltic Drive, Sydney River, Nova Scotia BIS 1P5 WRITE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, OR PHONE 539-9876 Photo by Warren Gordon
Cape Breton's Magazine