Page 50 - D.R. Boyle of West Arichat from a Richmound County Diary, 1887
ISSUE : Issue 65
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1994/1/1
for Mass. Dr. McDonald would charge me nothing nor Dan Fennelley either. Monday, July 18: Fine. Got nets out to dry and have all tanned. Got more stuff at Lavac and paid her therefor. Tuesday, July 19: Fine. Working at barn. To Arichat and got some deal and boards. Wednesday, July 20: Fine. Got staunchions nearly ready. Thursday, July 21: Fine. Finished staun- chions and got rails in. Friday, July 22: Fine. Getting pickets in barn. Satur? day, July 23: Got all pickets and nauglers ready. Sunday, July 24: Fine. Fr. Quinan preached exactly the same sermon he did last Sunday at Arichat. Monday, July 25: Fine. Remi mowed Forest's field • hay good there. Tues? day, July 26: Fine. Got rest of front field mowed in forenoon. Rain overtook me in getting Forest's into cocks. Wednesday, July 27: Fine. Got more mowing done. Thursday, July 28: Got three loads of hay in and good ones at that. Friday, July 29: Fine. Got all the Island mowed. Saturday, July 30: Fine. Got five loads in. Gave the hay but little time to dry. What I mowed yes? terday I have put in today. Dugald Beaton came. Sunday, July 31: Fine. Fr. Beaton down, spoke in French and made a fa? vourable impression. He had dinner with us. Got lots of home news. Monday, Aug. 1: Fine. Remi mowing Landry's. Dugald Beaton left in p.m. Fr. Beaton dined and slept with us. Tuesday, Aug. 2: Fine. Got considerable hay in cocks. Fr. Beaton dined with us again. Glad that he is here. Wednes? day, Aug. 3: Somewhat fine. Got two loads for me and one for Landry. Went with Fr. Beaton to Ben Terrio's to look at furniture. He got valuable presents. Thursday, Aug. 4: Fine. Got all Landry's mowed and some in cocks. Put in a lead for myself and one for Landry. Friday, Aug. 5: Fine. Got all hay spread and cocked. There will be about 5 cwts each after Landry gets his third load. Saturday, Aug 6: Fine. Will get balance of hay secured. To Ari? chat • wrote to Fr. E. Out of meal and flour. (Jersey due May 6, 1888.) Sunday, Aug. 7: Fine. Fr. B. preached again in French and read Bishop's letter about his departure for Rome this Fall to attend the Pope's Jubilee. Monday, Aug. 8: Blowy. To Arichat and got provisions and two bags of salt at $1.10. Had a hard row home. Tuesday, Aug. 9: Fine. Chopped down all trees in new field and piled them ready for firing. Got rushes mowed there also. Wednesday, Aug. 10: Fine. Cut down bushes and cleared brook below Marsh of stones. OxiT Training is Working! Over 130 Community College programs in the trades and the technical, technological, business and applied arts fields are helping Nova Scotians acquire the skills and training they need to compete in today's labour market, ancf tomorrow's. Explore your potential for a rewarding new career! For more information, please write: Programs, Nova Scotia Community College PO Box 2086, Station M, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3B7 Honourable John MacEachern Minister Thursday, Aug. 11: Fine. Painted front of house with new patent paint • nearly burnt house preparing it. Friday, Aug. 12: Fine and hot. Got considerable of drain in marsh fixed. Sat? urday, Aug. 13: Fine. Finished marsh drain • a splendid b/g job. Sunday, Aug. 14: Fine. Fr. B. spoke in English • and spoke well. To woods with Hector and decided to plough part of marsh, if at all possible. Monday, Aug. 15: Fine. Gathered a lot of eelgrass. Sent Patsy to marsh with posts, etc. and will be there to drive them this p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 16: Fine. Got 20 posts at Lavache and 74 cord cross bars. Fr. Beaton anxious to see marsh and will go with him tomorrow. Wednesday, Aug. 17: Fine. Rain last night. Wrote to Grant, Fr. Ethier and Matt Doyle. Got 12 more posts at Lavache's. Will go tonight with Fr. B. to see marsh. Making staples • got Felix painting. 'Twill take at least 650 lbs to fence marsh. Edmund C. on coming home refused to see his mother • the fool. He wants to sell his share of Brig and clear for the States. Spe. has tak? en Baptiste's place as Supervisor. The scarcity of hay is a universal cry. Friday, Aug. 19: Soft. Rain all night and best part of this day. Making staples during spare time. Fear marsh ploughing is finished. Requested Remi to take a day mowing there. Must work away at stretching wire and save a couple of dollars there. Saturday, Aug. 20: Fine. Finished deepening brook for this Fall. Got another lot of paint mixed and nearly had another explosion. Sunday, Aug. 21: Rain • Rain. Fr. Beaton said devotion to the B.S.S. Had a cruise to Marsh • all flooded but drain doing duty fairly. Hemlock made an attack on Kate McEachern • he's skidadled. Chandler very low and may skip. Monday, Aug. 22: Fine. Must get Felix another day painting. Will put jersey into forest • perhaps both. Tuesday, Aug. 23: Dull, but clearing up. Got cows into Forest's. Got Daniel LeBlanc to sign Mouchet's deed. Spe. a little more communicative this mom? ing. No signs of medical work • might be at Ring's. Got potatoes weeded yesterday. Will take a spell at rock weed gathering this evening. Must get at marsh as soon as it dries up somewhat. Must go to Arichat with Mouchet's deed and to see McGillivray and Chandler. Wednesday, Aug. 24: Fine. Felix painting • folks gone to Cape Auget for foxberries. Got considerable wood cut today. Determined to prepare for an extra good garden next spring. Thursday, Aug. 25: Rain. Making more staples. Got considerable wood cut and stored. Dairy will begin to stink but these rains have cleaned it out. Peter Poirier gone to Pictou for coal and have no doubt but there will be trouble as Landry from D'Escousse is here now selling. Friday, Aug. 26: Pouring all night and day • rivers everywhere. Are the eels going to skip? Will I get my wire gauge and prepare net for them? Should see about eels tonight • whether they are going up. Perhaps it would pay me better to make a large bag of cotton • it will take 18 yds. and cost about $2.00. Head from Fr. E. • he thinks a good deal of Fr. Beaton. Will likely go to Arichat tomorrow. Saturday, Aug. 27: Fine. To marsh and opened out mouth of brook. To Ari? chat and recorded Mouchet's deeds. Got up and down with McAskill. CO-OP Building Supplies 870 King's Road, Sydney 539-6410 WE ARE IVIORE THAN JUST LUMBER!!! ?? PRESSURE TREATED LUMBER ?? PAINT/STAINS ?? FLOOR COVERINGS ?? GYPROC ?? BATHROOM FIXTURES I VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS I INSULATION I ROOFING MATERIALS I LIGHT FIXTURES I PLUMBING SUPPLIES I HARDWARE I COUNTER TOPS I VANITIES I SHOWERS I ROOF TRUSSES I DOORS I EAVESTROUGH I LUMBER EXPERIENCE ON YOUR SIDE m HOME & GARAGE PACKAGES ?? ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ?? HEATING SUPPLIES ?? PLYWOODS OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE
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