Page 53 - D.R. Boyle of West Arichat from a Richmound County Diary, 1887
ISSUE : Issue 65
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1994/1/1
Tuesday, Oct. 4: Dull. Got all manure spread must pelt away at compost till Saturday, when I must put for marsh. Hope to God to get along with all my fall work. Wednesday, Oct. 5th: Dull. Got considerable of stuff removed from barn front. 'Twill make considerable compost. Threatened Joe Miller for Mrs. Doyle, but she says to leave him alone as Grogger threatens to kill her cow. Thursday, Oct. 6: Rain. Steele not yet back to finish LeBlanc's ploughing. Hope Saturday will be fine for marsh. Feel dull and slightly troubled with piles and catarrh. Mabou exhibition on the 12th. Fr. B. may go. I guess all these rains have put an end to eel catching as brooks are swollen up too much. Everyone complains of the hard times and extreme scarcity of cash. Hope no one will press me too hard this winter. Friday, Oct. 7: Fine. Will likely finish barn front today (cleaning). Made pig pen smaller and must make inside space smaller also. Dorion will likely pay me in ten Days. Dan Barrett and McDonald gone to Winnipeg. Saturday, Oct. 8: Dull. Off early for marsh with poles and posts and got all bars, gates, etc. finished completely. Feel glad over day's labours. To Mrs. Doyle's. Joe Grogger paid her $5.00 and prom? ised to pay three more on his return. Sunday, Oct. 9: Fine. Fr. B. on hearing Mass. Went after vespers to Arichat with Spe. Called on {word omitted} with Hector after dark. Fr. Q. back from Antigonish. Monday, Oct. 10: Fine. Wrote summons on Meunier for Rogers. Com? menced digging potatoes • they are not at all numerous, but full size. Laur? ence Mury back from L'Ardoise. Will likely finish barn front this evening. Must hit upon some arrangement for housing my sheep. Tuesday, Oct. 11: Fine. Sent Patsy to Rogers, telling him to be up today for the purpose of discontin? uing suit and issuing new papers before some other J.P. To Mrs. Doyle's last night. Patsy down to survey water lot today. Fr. Quinan to be down also and hold another survey. Baptiste applying for a water lot • the devil let loose generally. Wednesday, Oct. 12: Fine. Got school house stove up. A N.B. po? litical rejected here looking for my school. He will have to rest on his oars till spring before I am done. Surveyors again to work today with Tate Rouge at the head. To Arichat last night with Rogers and this morning got Joe 'oned before Fuller and served with write of discontinuance. Thursday, Oct. 13: Fine. Was to Doyle's last night until 11. He offered me a present of two chals coal which I declined but said I would have to take one anyway. Nuns are losing nine feet of their garden • Doyle about the same. Will get the figures tonight. Friday, Oct. 14: Dull and rainy. Again at Doyle's. He will likely under? take the foreclosing of Forest's estate this winter. Spe. told him Fr. B. re? ceived orders to receive Mrs. Doyle last week but instead went to Fr. Q., who at once went to Antigonish about this matter. He also said that Baptiste was something like Sacaloup • all talk and grabbing all he could get. Doyule wants me to take charge, of his land in the Bras and fence it in. Spe. cut sticks when Doyle spoke about the other heirs and washed his hands clear of the business, saying he understood what game Pat was playing. Saturday, Oct. 15: Dull and rainy. Dug some potatoes. Got a young pig and a place for her. Conveyed Doyle to his hill. Must buy a cow and kill my heifer • this will be more profitable certainly as I should get one for about ten dollars. Sunday, Oct. 16: Fine. No sermon. Retreat this week for CM. To Williams and Girroir's with Fr. B. and had tea at former's. He is quite dull since Mrs. -Sydney Mi[Czuor(
Cape Breton's Magazine