Page 69 - Shipwreck of Transport Two Friends
ISSUE : Issue 65
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1994/1/1
was dashed among the rocks, and, in two hours afterwards, was found a lifeless mangled corpse upon the beach. The untimely fate of this ami? able young gentleman appalled my courage, and prevented me from run? ning such a risk. The unfortunate is? sue of the undertaking was not, how? ever, sufficient to deter others from making the attempt; and two privates fell victim to the fury of the waves. "It was now dark, and no more peo? ple could be landed from the wreck; nothing, therefore, could be done till the moming, and never, I believe, did any set of mortals pass a more mel? ancholy night than we did. "The moming at last began to dawn, and by renewed efforts, the officers, with nearly the whole of the people, were safe on shore. I continued ani? mating and encouraging the few that were left aboard; but finding them deaf to all my entreaties, I judged it high time to think about my own safety, when others were so indiffer? ent as to their own. With that inten? tion, I was resolved to go ashore die moment the boat retumed, and, in letting myself down, the sailor let go the rope, the boat went off, and down '|'.|g '' '''' '' likeness of Ensign William Evelyn, we do have these pictures of his father, John 1 sumc to tne Dottom eeing aoie to '''jy'' '' Wotton, "The Mabob" (Honourable East India Company), and his son, William's younger swim, 1 got up, ana laia noia or a brother, George Evelyn • wearing his medal as a veteran of the Battle of Waterloo. rope, and, by mere chance, was .ay ?? dragged into the boat. "All were happy at my providential escape; and having taken some refreshment, I was enabled to proceed to Louisburgh, where I got a bed; and next moming (thanks to the Author of my existence) I found myself perfecdy well. On the 26th we in? terred the bodies of the officer and two privates as decentiy as circumstances would permit." • IVIore from Robin Evelyn's letters to Cape Breton's Magazine • William Evelyn was born at Calcutta on De? cember 16th 1788, the son of John Evelyn, who had served in the Honourable East In? dia Company's Civil Service from 1770 to 1790 and became a senior merchant of the company. His relative, George Shee, after? wards Sir George Shee, Bart., of Dunmore, Co. Galway was at this time Governor of Bengal. John married Anne Shee, a niece of the Governor, who came out with the inten? tion of marriage, which was performed in April 1787 in Sir Geo. Shee's house in The Markland a coastal resort Kel Lelax in our luxury log suites and dine on our gourmet food featuring local fish and lamb. Ji.hrill to the play of light and shadow as they dance over the northern seascape. For reservations in the iVIaritimes call 1-800-565.0000. Or asl( the operator for your toll free Check Inn number. Local phone (902) 383-2246 Cabot Trail, Dingwall, Nova Scotia, BOC IGO, Canada Ocean Jtentalsltd. Lawn & Garden Equipment Tillers Sod Cutters Air Eators GLACE BAY General Engine Hoists Jacks Tow Bars 849-1616 & Much More... South (Campbells Corner) • P. O. Box 265 Lloyd MacDonald NISSAN Our 34th Year 124 KINGS ROAD SYDNEY RIVER Toll Free 1-800-565-9427 20 CAR SHOWROOM 1994 Pathfinder 4x4 NOW IN STOCK • Also Available in 4-Door •
Cape Breton's Magazine