Page 77 - Sheriff James C. MacKillop Remembers the Hanging of Emmett Sloane
ISSUE : Issue 65
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1994/1/1
The guards wouldn't let him out of the cell. But when I came up with his meals, I'd open the door and pass the meal into him, and I'd leave the door open and sit over on the guards' bed, by the way. And I think it was the second meal I took up to him, I said, "Sloane, step out of the room." He said, "I'm not allowed." I said, "You are allowed with me," And he did. He was certainly glad to get out of the cage. He said, "The guard won't let me out. I'm just not allowed." I said, "Well, I'm here now, Emmett. You can step out, and walk around, take some exercise." Just before the guard would come back, I'd lock him back in the cage and lock the door. NEWSPAPER: New trial requested for Anderson (Sloane). In? sanity is given as appeal ground in Halifax court. Affidavit bear? ing names of 18 of Anderson's fellow citizens of Beriin, New Hampshire, who state they can testify to apparent insanity of condemned man, is submitted. Another affidavit from Ander? son's mother (was) submitted, alleging peculiar actions on his part since an operation when he was a boy, featured in the hearing. Ryan stated that, through lack of knowledge of his client, An? derson's counsel had been unable to make an insanity plea at the trial. Mr. Cameron contended alleged confessions of guilt made to an officer were wrongfully admitted at the previous trial. He said the prisoner had been arrested some distance from Sydney, and after given a drink of mm to warm him up, had been invited to talk. Mr. Justice Mellish questioned the right of an officer to gather evidence by interrogating the witness. He said it was apparent that the trial judge had concluded the rum had not influenced Anderson to talk freely. Mr. MacArthursaid that the action of An? derson in telling that his light was out, having (Rehburg) repair it, and then striking him, was not the action of an insane man. It had been thought that Clarence Darrow (a "celebrated Ameri? can criminal lawyer") might appear for the defence. Prominent New England sportsmen, it is said, have got together and are defraying the expenses of Darrow's services in the effort to be put forth to save Anderson from the gallows. Cape Breton Post (April 30,1930): "Anderson mentality (test) to be held today.... Equipment will be installed in the county jail for the purpose of taking pictures of Cari 'Bing' Anderson's head in order to acertain whether the condemned man is men? tally stable or not.... A large bump or ridge on the top of Ander? son's head has led physicians who have examined him to be? lieve that it might have something to do with his mental condition and it is the reason that the x-ray plates are being tak? en." (The equipment was brought in from the office of a local dentist, Dr. J.P.Parker.) Aviation Career Academy Located at Sydney Airport Is NOW Starting a Private Pilot Course. • if you've always wanted to fly and never tried it, NOW is the time!! • Contact one of our professional flight Instructors and get an introductory flight for as low as $15/person. 564-9170 Professional Pilot Course Enrollment Also Available Sheriff Jim MacKillop: When he was sentenced to death, he was removed from all the oth? er prisoners. There was one big room at the back of the jail with an iron cage in it. And he was put in there with bed and mattress and blankets. And he was there for 3 months, he was waiting. He only got out at--there were guards on with him. But I was the one that was back and forth, taking his meals to him, relieving the guards at noontime to go out and have lunch. At suppertime the same way. And I let him out of the cage. The others wouldn't.... But I remember well the first time I said to him--I think it was the third day that he was in there. I said, "Sloane. Want to get out of that cell?" "I would like to." "Well," I said, "come on." And I opened the door. "Get out and get some exercise." I said, "Can you wrestle?" "Yeah, a little bit." And at that time I weighed 260 pounds. And Sloane was a man around 200, I would say. Heavy-set fellow. So we'd wres? tle for the whole hour. And before the guards would come back, I'd put him back in the cell. And he'd sleep all afternoon. At suppertime, do the same thing. Then put him back in. SERVING CAPE BRETON • READY MIX CONCRETE • CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS • PATIO BLOCKS PRIME BROOK, SYDNEY 539-5217 'Ski for All am Stereo Before You Hit the Slopes This Winter • Check with Us First! The Latest Ski Conditions Daily 7:30 am • 12:40 pm • 5:10 pm (Sundays 9:10 am) or Call the CJCB Snow Phone • 24 Hours • 539 - I Ski *%isten to Win Great Ski Prizes All Winter" CJCB AM Stereo - Cape Breton's Super Station!
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