Page 6 - From Visits with Alfred P. MacKay of Big Harbour Island
ISSUE : Issue 66
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1994/6/1
tract. They'd give you a contract for so many carloads. You'd have to have that or? der from the company before they'd take it. But there was no trouble to get it. But later on they started, a man here and there through the country. He was general? ly a man that wasn't able to work in the woods. But he would have the cutters. They'd pay them so much to spread those (orders) around, you understand? And he shipped the lumber, too, and he paid us-- he'd pay the cheque. He'd charge (us) a dollar and a half a cord. And he'd tag the car and order it out and all that stuff. When it was loaded. (So he got paid by charging you.) That's it. He wasn't get? ting much pay. The same fellow had it all my life here. He was a very honest man, that nobody was scared of. He'd cash the cheques for you, too. When you went to his house--he'd call you on the phone, that your money was there. And he had the cash all there. And he'd charge you a dollar and a half a car? load, for the contractor, and he'd look after the pay and everything. (What was WHO WOULD KNOW BETTER HOW MUCH YOU NEED A GETAWAY FOR THE BOTH OF YOU? '??''??:i*-m'' III To couples seeking an oasis we offer warm service, inviting accom? modations, and our BEST BREAKS'" bed and breakfast package. With it, you'll enjoy breakfast in our restaurant for every night you stay."' And it's avail? able any day you need to get away. $79.00 -r'-Ho'xAox'a WYv: 480 Kings Road Sydney, N. S. Canada B1S1A8 STAY WITH SO.MKONt YOU KNOW.' For Reservations Call 539-6750 or 1-800-HOLIDAY. his name?) Duncan Kennedy. He lived at Estmere over there. (My first thought was that a merchant would control that.) Well, they did, too, at (other places), in the start. This fel? low wasn't in it in the start, it was the merchant. But after a few years, you know, the people began to get--you wouldn't get a cent. When the merchant got it, you had to deal with him. If you wanted any money, you wouldn't get it. You'd have to trade it. So, when the people began to get a little bit better off, they found how to get their own contract. And then they'd pay the merchant, and have money for what they wanted to get, too. You were kind of like a slave. (You had to deal through the store.) Some merchants weren't--you know, there were all kinds of people, and some? times you'd have a bad merchant. He'd be cheating the eyes out of you, you know. He'd be putting to charge you extra, when it was pit timber you were cutting for him. His stuff would be dearer. I remember my neighbour, his daughter was-- she had appendicitis and she had to go to the hospital. At that time there was doctor bills to pay in the hospital--there was no M.S.I. And he had ahead $600 with the mer? chant. (The merchant) wouldn't give him a cent to pay a hospital bill. "Oh," he said, "I can't give it to you. I've got to keep it so I can look after you through the win? ter." So, that fellow quit then. And he had a brother that was working for the steel company. Well, that fellow got a contract for him. That was the beginning of it. That fellow cut it and got money for it--he nev? er took any to the merchant again. (It's interesting how, in different ways, whether it was fish or whether it was tim? ber, people did become slaves.) Yes, yes. Our Visit with Alfred P. MacKay Continues on Page 10 VOLUME ONE BOOKSTORE Bag No. 200 Port Hawkesbury Centre Port Hawkesbury, N. S. BOE 2V0 Phone (902) 625-1514 Phoebe Timmons Res.: 863-1825 Wilson Timmons Res.: 345-2387 133 Church St. Antigonish Shopping Centre Antigonish, N. S. B2G 2E3 Phone (902) 863-4112 VOLUME TWO BOOKSTORE SERVING CAPE BRETON • readV mix concrete • concrete septic tanks • patio blocks prime brook, sydney 539-5217
Cape Breton's Magazine