Page 46 - Wreck of the Dochas & the Etta Stewart
ISSUE : Issue 66
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1994/6/1
Hannah, the Chief engineer's eldest daughier. By Friday information was coming together regarding the fatal voyage. The Herald reported that the Dorcas, with her barge in tow passed Liscomb at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon. She appeared to be working away from the shore. The south-east wind then blowing was on her quarter and aided her progress. It is believed that everything went well until about midnight when being off Three Fathom Harbour the wind suddenly chopped round one point to the southwest, making a treacherous cross sea, which the Dorcas could not stem. Every sea would strike her in the teeth and beat her shorewards. With the powerful engines the steamer had it is conceded that without the barge all would have been well. On the Etta Stewart, however, there were precious human souls under Capt. Ferguson's care, and it is presumed he would not cut the tow hawser and leave them to thei fate, which was certain death, as the Etta Stewart was ponderous mass of 1200 tons of coal without sail or anything head the winds. The Moming Chronicle added the next day that There can be no doubt that the wreck of the steamer Dorcas and the barge Etta Stewart, accompanied by the loss of twenty-four lives, is the saddest event that has occurred on our coast since the loss of the Daniel Steinmann ten years ago. (A large passenger boat that sailed between Nova Scotia and New England in which over 100 people were drowned.) The loss of life on that occasion was consid? erably greater, but a few were saved to tell the sad tale. In the trage? dy at Three Fathom Harbour not a soul was left to give any informa? tion as to how the disaster occurred. The storm king had no pity, and his agents, the remorseless waves cruelly did his bidding and swal? lowed up the helpless victims, twenty four in number, making sad blanks in many sorrowing homes. Acadian Whale Cruise L. A. Muise (captain) SCHEDULE June 1i>-Aug. 15 9:15 am-1:15pm- 6:15pm Aug. 15 - Labour Day 9:15 am -1:15 pm - 5:15 pm After Labour Day 9:15 am - 3:15 pm RATES Adults - $20.00 • Children-$10.00 Under 6 - No charge • Special family and group rates to be determined before departure. VISA • MASTERCARD • AMER. EXPRESS INFORMATION: Tel.; (902) 224-1088 • Res.: 224-2793 ..The Dorcas lies bottom up on the beach at the head of the harbour, thus being to the east and much more removed ~rom the open sea than the position of the barge. To get into that position the people of the place think the steamer struck on Three Fathom shoal, near the mouth of the harbour, and rolled over into deep water in? side and was then carried bot? tom up to where she now lies partly submerged. All the con- 'Cheticamp Craft & Souvenir Shop '*' MAIN STREET • CHETICAMP Hooked Rugs • ni-n/l/'at Xam& e3men it s the general opinion that legislation should be enacted for the protec tion of those who follow the calling of the deep. It is impossible to give the readers of the Herald an idea of the deep feeling among the people with regard to the loss of Captain Ferguson and his men. In the same article doubts were raised about the seaworthiness of the Dorcas. The Herald writes: Five years ago says the Saint John Sun, the steamer Dorcas was on • OPEN EVERY DAY: 9:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Country • Bluegrass • Rock • Folk Fiddle and Newfoundland Music Largest Atlantic Region Music selection in Eastern Canada. Tap your toe to Cape Breton & Newfoundland Fiddle, Accordion & Foll< Music, & "Down East" Presentations. Write or ask for our list of Newfoundland & Maritime Music. ~ Available by Mail Order ~ 2 miles south of CHETICAMP, on the Cabot Trail P.O.Box 516, Cheticamp, NS BOE 1H0 • Ph: (902)224-3782 Bienvenue a Cheticamp!
Cape Breton's Magazine