Page 69 - Gwennie Pottie of West Tarbot
ISSUE : Issue 67
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1994/8/1
mean, xt was work, it was wor? ry, it was a big thing to have to look after her like that. And I had to feed her and everything else then. But still, I couldn't see her going in? to the old peo? ple 's home. And God bless Rev. Cathcart--he was the minister that was here then. And he even said it at the funer? al, that I looked after her and didn't want to see her going in the old people's home. And I didn't. Like, I couldn't see her there. Gwennie with a photo of herself demonstrating spinning; Gwennie and Lauchie PcHtie Because, like you say, she was a cripple all her life since I came here. And still, I had a feeling for her, that I just couldn't see her going in the old people's home. She'd have never lasted in the old ??j'H Environment ?? tB Canada Canadian Parks Service canadien Service des pares Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Park Operating Hours: June and September 9:30 to 5:00 July and August 9:00 to 6:00 Pre-Season and General Information 733-3100 people's home. Because, her brothers took good care of her. I took as good a care of her as I could. And the kids here--well, the oldest one--they really loved her. She was Aunt Mimi to every one of them. I just couldn't--no, I couldn't see her going in the old people's home. Cathcart said that at the funeral, too. He said he used to come to visit her. He'd talk to her in English and I'd repeat it to her in Gael? ic. And he'd say how he could notice her face light up when I would tell her in the mother tongue what he was saying in Eng- Louisbourg Motel (Coastal Inn Louisbourg) • 45 Units • Guaranteed Rates Fleur-de-Lis Dining Room • Jake's lounge • Colour Cable T.V. Major Credit Cards Accepted 1225 MAIN STREET, LOUISBOURG (902) 733-2844 **Only 1 Mile from Fortress Louisbourg** Louisbourg Pharmacy • A Local Pharmacy Serving Your Needs • Providing complete drug store needs, including: Prescription Service 4''"'' Health & Beauty Aids Greeting Cards v"'/ ''''' '' Supplies Baby Supplies ' ' <' Sundries Mon to Wed: 9 AM to 6 PM f Saturday: Thur & Fri: 9 AM to 8 PM L J 9 AM to 5 PM 1360 Mam Street • Louisbourg 733-2160 fOn Saturday, prescriptions' i, filled up to 1p.m. ONLY J Sanjiv Maindiratta, pharmacist From the Old Town... to the New • Louisbourg!
Cape Breton's Magazine