Page 84 - Linda MacLellan Visits Archie Neil
ISSUE : Issue 67
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1994/8/1
it be possible for a person to come to help you out like the spirit of my father helping me, worried about me or something like that. I don't know. But you would be surprised at all the people who will come and tell me their stories. And here's a story: it's not Cape Breton folklore, but to give you an example of strange things and premonitions happening. A geologist from Los Angeles, and if I can remember correctly, it was something like Brockton, Mr. and Mrs. Brockton. This ge? ologist and his wife, he was a professor, they were down at the Gaelic College in St. Ann's and they were with forty others, you know what Elderhostel is--these groups. Well, I was talking to them this night and I was telling that experience. So when we were finished, she came up to me, and I thought she was going to take issue with me, and he was there, her hus? band was with her. And she said, "Do you know what? I don't know what the others think," she said, "but I do know that I'm believing every word you say." And I thought, my gosh, I was complimented. She said, "I'll tell you why I believe it. We have one son. We were in our home in Los T? Regional Development Commission ] A' Serving Inverness and Richmond Counties V'r anci the Towns of Port Hawkesbury and l/lulgrave Starting or expanding a business / Our no-fee counselling services include: ?? dedicated staff with over 50 years of business experience to provide you with counselling services and market information ?? information and assistance available on the type of govemment programs designed to support your business Strait Area Regional Development Commission p. O. Box 2200,609 Church St., Suite 201 Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia BOE 2V0 PHONE (902) 625-3929 ? FAX (902) 625-1559 THE GLENORA INN & DISTILLERY Ciad Mile Failte! 100,000 Welcomes • Thig Astaigh! Come In Under nc open. Our din management, North America's only Sinf g room features new menu choices, old fa I'lenora Inn & Distillery is offering guided tours daily on the hour, and started producing whisky in July. With p & Lounge The Gl< th< year-round vl Management & staff are committed to making the local community proud of this unique attraction. Join us in the dining room & lounge where we will be featuring local entertainment in the near fiiture. n capacity to accommodate rs from near and afei coaches in 1995 and to introduce new products and services, we hope to attract Glenora Inn & Distillery is nestled in the Cape Bret? on Highlands just 40 min. from the Causeway on Rte. 19- "The Coastal Route to the Cabot Trail." * 9 well-appointed re in a unique inn (private baths) * licensed dining room and loun * Specialty Gift Shop * Guided touts available R. R. #4 Mabou, Inverness County, Cape Breton, N.S. Teb (902) 258-2662 Angeles, we have a very nice home. And my son was down in the South Pacific"--she named the place but I can't remember where it was--"and that was a thousand miles from home. His name was John." And she said, "My husband and I went to bed one night and my husband was reading. And all of a sudden I sprung out of bed, right up on the floor." I want to tell you there were several peo? ple at the Elderhostel listening to this, and they paid quite good heed to it. She said, "I jumped out of bed and I yelled 'John!' twice at the top of my voice. And my husband told me to"--the word she used was--"'Get the hell back in bed and quit having those nightmares.'" And she said to her husband, "Whatever it was it wasn't a nightmare because I was wide awake, and why I did that I'll never know." They forgot about it and about three weeks afterwards they got word that their son was coming home. They met him at the air? port outside of Los Angeles, wherever the airport was, and they took him home. And when they were having lunch that night she was telling him about this strange experi? ence, and as she was telling him, she said, the most peculiar expression came on his face and he put his two hands up in front of his face and he says, "Mama, what time was that?" And she told him that it would be a little bit after midnight. "Now," he said, "I want to tell you what you did. I was a thousand miles from home," he said, "and that day I changed rooming houses. I saw this 'To Let' sign and I went in and rented this room and they told me that there was...another chap had been in there till that morning and he left very suddenly and they just slapped the sign up, 'To Let.'" He says, "I got the room and it suited me great. It was really a lovely room. I moved all my stuff in there and I went to bed. And a little after midnight, something woke me up and I'll never know what it was." And he said, "There was"--Oriental was the word he used-- "an Oriental coming down right over me with a knife." And he said, "I rolled out of bed and I yelled. And when I yelled he made for the door"--because their son was quite big. And he said, "I got after him, chased him, and another fellow and myself caught him, and then we held him for the police. And when he saw me he near? ly dropped because he said, 'You weren't the fellow I was after.'" Apparently the fellow who had been living in :-Malt Whisky Distillery with Inn, Dining Room orites & daily specials. Open daily, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m
Cape Breton's Magazine