Page 86 - Linda MacLellan Visits Archie Neil
ISSUE : Issue 67
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1994/8/1
out. He had a flashlight and he looked all around the car, and he looked across the road, and he looked in the ditches and every place and he couldn't see a thing. And then he began to look--the car was pretty dusty--and he began to look see if there would be a mark in the dust but he couldn't find a thing. Well, fine, he came home, but it worried him all night. And he went back to Sydney the next day and when he got to Sydney-- now, I cannot give you the name of this fellow but I'm going to call him Angus MacDonald--Leo said to Donald after they greeted each other in the afternoon he said, "You heard what happened to Angus MacDonald last night." And Donald said, "No, what happened?" He said, "He was killed. Car killed him." "Where?" "At the turnoff to Englishtown ferry." "Yes • we can get it there • AND FAST!" Breton Courier Serving Cape Breton and the World 562-6032 539-8867 539-8863 25% of the heat sneaked out of the basement. Then came True Wall. basement wall gypsum board true wall thermal-strap plywood floor concrete floor true wall thermal-strap wood strapping True Wall insulation covered the basement in one quick day and cut the heating bill overnight. You don't need costly studs to put it up, just nails and strapping. Put it on the walls, on the floor, all over. Don't be the victim of sneaky heat. Truefoam AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL BUILDING SUPPLY DEALER Well, now, you can imagine the way Donald felt: "This must have been what I hit," and so on. But Leo noticed the look on Donald's face and he says, "No." "Well," Donald said, "what happened?" "Well," he said, "he was killed. He was dead on arri? val when they got him to the hospital." He said, "He walked out of one car and square into the path of another." And he says, "They all came back into Sydney with him." Well Donald thanked God because he knew that he wasn't the one. But the thing that was hitting him was: Why did I feel that thump? Why did I get that warning or prem? onition, if you wish to call it? And the result was that he could never be satisfied until he went to a psychic in To? ronto and explained to the psychic what had happened to him. Now, I don't know whether this is an explanation. This is Cape Bre? ton, this all happened in Cape Breton, ex? cept the part that the psychic played. The psychic told him, "In this world, or in our surroundings, there's a world about which we know nothing. There is a world existing out there that nobody knows about and it's from this spirit world that we get all these premonitions. Now," he said, "the on? ly way I can explain that is that somehow they were trying to warn you or trying to give a word out to the world that something was going to happen at that spot." Now, you may laugh at this or all of that, but if there wasn't a world of that kind, why are they making a study in five of the largest universities in the world? Each one has a chair, each one has a department of psychic studies and they expect to come out with a report. Father MacLean from East Bay is one of the teachers and one of the researchers in psychic study at Colum- Danena's Restaurant and Take-Out LICENSED OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ( Home Cooked Meals * Home Baking ) 383-2118 SOUTH HARBOUR on the Cabot Trail near Cape North [SUPERIOR FENCING LTD. Commercial ' Residential ' Industrial INSTALLATIONS and REPAIRS > Chain Link Fencing Wooden Fencing 4 Custom Decks ' Retaining Walls Fully Guaranteed 539-2027 AFFORDABLE QUALITY WORKMANSHIP
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