Page 92 - Linda MacLellan Visits Archie Neil
ISSUE : Issue 67
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1994/8/1
Head. See, Hughie of the Little Head was the chief of the MacLeans. One of the things he noticed the night before going to battle was as he was coming home there was a click in his horse's shoe. The shoe was loose on the horse that he was taking to battle and he was going to fix it in the morning. In the morning his wife never got up and he threw his shoe at her door when he was getting ready. And he knew that something was going to happen to him. He said in Gaelic to her, "Neither God nor the devil will move a lazy woman"--and he went to battle with the click still in his horse's hoof. As he was going into battle, the battle was proceeding and apparently, whether it was from a broadsword or from a McKenzie College Now Acceptitig Applications for Fall Classes Questions 1 Who has the most computers per student in Nova Scotia? 2 Who has the only 24 hour com? puter lab in Nova Scotia? 3 Who has the only 486 networked multi media lab in Nova Scotia? 4 Who has over 100 computers for students to use at home? 5 Who guarantees that 90% of your time will be spent at a computer? 6 Where is McKenzie College? Answers 1 McKenzie College with over 250 computers. 2 McKenzie College has operated a card access 24 hour lab for the last three years. 3 McKenzie College has the first multi media networked lab in Nova Scotia and in Atlantic Canada. 4 McKenzie College has over 100 IBM computers for home use. 5 McKenzie College guarantees 90% of your time will be at a computer terminal. 6 McKenzie College is on 86 Reeves St., Sydney. 90% Computer Time 1 Computerized Office Administration 2 Computer Repair 3 Multi Media 4 Accounting 5 Telecommunications & Security 6 Computerized Medical 7 Computerized Legal cm m''sm "Putting Knowledge to Work" load of shot, his arm was ripped off--this sounds a little bit gross--all but one thread here. And he knew he was going to die because there was no doctors or any? thing like that. He had strength enough to get off his horse's back and he ripped the arm off and he threw it ahead of him and he said, "Wherever the MacLeans will go I will lead them." Nobody thought anything of it. But that su? perstition came back and came to this coun? try. And according to tradition and accord? ing to many of the older MacLeans, whenever a MacLean is dying at night, if you're carefully listening you will hear a horse coming up to the house, and you will hear a (loose) horseshoe clicking. And if you were psychic enough, you could go out and you could see the shadow of Hughie of the Little Head still posed on horseback, waiting to escort the soul of the MacLean across to whatev? er Valhalla the MacLeans go to. And that story lives to? day in Cape Breton just as much as it did in Culloden in Scotland. And that's Hughie of the Little Head, the lead? er of the MacLeans. This is another story that has its beginning on the Is? land of Barra in Scotland and has its ending at Pip? er's Glen where John Archie MacKenzie came from. It goes back to the early days in Barra where a woman lost her husband and she had two young boys growing up. And in the meantime not too far away a man had become a wid? ower and he had one son. He and the widow married so they had the three children --two of the widow's sons, and one of his. The man would have to go out fishing to make a living. 15 Minutes (From Sydney, that is.) I NORTH SYDNEY I 794-4703
Cape Breton's Magazine