Page 14 - Misery at Louisbourg: Aftermath of the First Siege, 1745
ISSUE : Issue 68
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1995/6/1
the dead corps • (mentiond • July 29) was whipd at the parade, at the Head of the Army. 39 Lashes were Giuen him • 'this day the man belonging to major [Ezekiel] Gillman's company, named Roundbtt- • dyd • 'Evening prayd in the Hospitall • and was calld to See one Porter (at the House capt: [John] Baker livd in) who is in a distressd • case • deprivd of his reason, • and convulsd • 'there was an old namd judd (belonging to Salem) very sick in the same House. 11 Sabbath, at the citadell and Hospi? tall • saw dr [Charles] pynchon • preached in the forenoon at the Hospi? tall chappie, dind at Home • and after? noon • 'went to the Grand Battery and preachd there • and prayd with a Sick man there • came Home prayd at Hospitall, • went to the House where capt: [John] Baker livd • and found, mr Judd dead, prayd with porter ( • who is of wenham) who dyd Some time after • Evening • pceivd an uneasiness • in many respecting the State we are in. N.B. one Blake (belonging to capt: Nathaniell Wil? liams company) dyd in the Hospitall in the forenoon. 12 citadell, and Hospitall, visitd • dr p [Pyncheon] who is comfitably of it; capt: [Isaac] Colton and company: found Eb: BUss poorly of it • 'prayd with him • then went to see 2 sick men, at Collenell [Samuel] Willards and prayd with them • dind at Home. • went to the funerall of our two men • 'when at the Grave. • Blake was burd there, and as we came to the Lane • 'we met another corpse • 'belonging • 'to capt: [Estes] Hatch' company, went to the Hospitall • 'prayd • 'there • and found • some very bad • went to See one [H.] Barker that is Sick • 'prayd with him • and about 10 a clock was calld to see a At a Council, &c.;, December 11th, 1745: Advised, that in consideration of our constant dependence upon the favour and blessing of Almighty God for the contin? uance of all our mercies, both of a publick and private nature, and for averting those judgments wch our sins have most righteously deserved (and especially on acct of ye great sickness and mortality prevailing in this gar? rison) Wednesday, the 18th inst, be observed as a day of publick fasting and prayer in this place. 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Don Downe, Minister poor man, at the Barracks who is very Sick • 'prayd • 'with him • he belongs to Bridg-water • 30 citadell, and Hospitall, one chap of Connecticutt dyd this moming visitd dr c. p [Dr. Charles Pyncheon] capt: [Isaac] Colton's com? pany, he is determind to go • Home, and has Got leave, visitd capt: [Ebe- nezer] Edmunds • Sick and very desir? ous to go Home • dind at Home • visitd Brigadier [Joseph] dwight who is poorly of it • 'took leave of the Gen? tlemen • going Home in capt: [Ed? ward] Ting. I pceive Capt: Colton • is gone Home with Ting allso • his going was So Sudden • 'that I had not oppor- tunity • to See him • 'before he went aboard • we seem to be disquietd • and disheartnd • Greatly • oh Lord • I desire to cast all my cares, and Burdens upon thee • and pray that thou wouldst Sustain me • 31. citadell, and Hospitall • . visitd dr C • pynchon, who is not quite so well • walkd upon the walls • and went to see • 'the men that came with capt: Colton • and prayd with them. Collnll C [Choate] • 'poorly • I am concemd • 'this day one dyke of capt: [John] Heustons company dyd • 'this day • a Ship • appeard • of • soposd to be a French vessell • 'but made of • and none psud [pursued] • 'them • she went to the West • Sept 1 citadell • and Hospitall • and forenoon preachd in the Hospitall chappell and mr [Elisha] wms being ill • I preachd in the aftemoon • at the citadell chappell • Governor [and] co- modore being present, visitd dr [Alexander] BoUman who is ill • one Carver of capt: [Jonathan] Gary's company dyd • or Sick in crease • oh that God would help us • a French captain [John Le Crois] (taken by capt: [William] Fletcher) belongingto Canada • has made his Escape and I pceive • Casteen and two clergy men • are put under custody • 'being as is supped • 'privy to it • 'this day one [Jonathan] Fox of capt: [John] Heustons company dyd This was a man belongd to Suffd [Suffield] in our county, the Lord affect us with Ws Hand • 2 citadell and Hospitall. this day one Lakin of capt: [John] MacDonald and Robertson Ltd. 448 Charlotte St., Sydney Electrical Contractors with 60 Years of Experience to Serve You Specializing in Electrical Upgrades and Rewiring. 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