Page 28 - With Pioneer Johnny Murdock at the Pioneer Cemetery, West Mabou
ISSUE : Issue 68
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1995/6/1
there were two white women seen walking up from there--women in white. See, there were nuns in white habits, similar to that. Seen two walking up--they disappeared. The ones that saw them first were Alexan? der Beaton's sisters. Then (years later) the White Nuns came from Boston.... I was just wondering whether it was a forerunner of the White Sisters being down here. They saw them years and years before. (That's a very strange story. Is that the only grave in the cemetery that's supposed to have that kind of connection?) As far as I know. As far as I know. (Pause.) I told a priest. I was down there one time and I was asking for some sign, I was pray? ing for some sign--that, if there was any? body there, you know. And I have a sore back. When I went to get up I had to go on my knees, put my hands on the ground. But right in front of me, on top of the grass, was a nail out of a coffin. I know it was a nail out of a coffin because we found them when we dug the ground there. I have two of them now. I found the nail when we were dig? ging the ground--and then I found this one on top of the grass, three or four years (later). (Just where you put your hands down, to get up A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE I VICTORIA CROSS j The Victoria Cross is awarded to those who perform a "signal act of Valour" in the face of the enemy. This valuable new bibliography lists • histories of the Victoria Cross • biographies & autobiographies of V.C. recipients • books written by V.C. recipients on various subjects. COMPILED BY W. James IVIacDonald Box 747, Baddeck, Nova Scotia BOE IBO $7.95 plus $2.00 shipping again.) Yeah. Well. I didn't know what to say. So I picked it up and I put it in a casing and I took it to dif? ferent priests --he's got it now. This is last year. Recipient of Industrial Cape Breton Board of Trade Serving homes and businesses ttiroughout Cape Breton Island .'??'''' ''BMI''' .''M .'fli'' Maple Leaf Products of SYDCQi' 38 Lewis Drive Sydney River 539-6444 FURNACE OIL ?? STOVE OIL • DIESEL • GAS ?? LUBRICANTS ENERGY FUELS (You look for signs.) Yeah... Am I going foolish?--you'd be thinking that, too. Am I going crazy or is something wrong, am I just imagining things? And you hate to ima? gine it. So I went to the priest first. And I told him.... He didn't say anything. If there is anything more, to let him know.... (It is interesting, in the 1990's, that you are still receptive to a sign. I don't know many people who pray for information. And that's what you were doing.) That's what I was doing. (That's not ordinary.) Alma Mac? Donald: That depends on where you're at. A lot of people pray around here. (But do they pray for signs?) Donald: Pray for informa? tion, a sign of some kind that would give me information...about what took place. Another time, I was down there (in the Pi? oneer Cemetery) and I was praying for-- "What can I do?" All of a sudden I got: "Put Christ back in the church." "I can't do that," I said. I said it out loud. "I can't do that." The church that was there (the first Catholic church in the area, the "Little Church") is now in Mabou (as a shrine). And the organization that has it doesn't allow Mass in the church. As far as I'm concerned, the Holy Eucharist is Christ. This is what I understood it--"Put Christ back in the church...." That's scary stuff to be telling the priest. It's a shrine now. Maybe it's doing more good. But why? You're praying for one thing and something else hits you. You holler out you can't do that.... Donald has plans for building a new "Lit? tle Church" down in the cemetery some day. We went with him and Leonard MacLellan for a visit to the Pioneer Cemetery. Donald Johnny Murdock: We got us an engi- number of So he neer. There were quite graves showing, on the ground, marked where each one was, and put a stake at each one. This one here is the only one that was standing. (The MacPherson.) Yeah. Because it went in Tm/iAAgefyaf We plan it all for you. 794-7251 158 QUEEN ST., NORTH SYDNEY ..
Cape Breton's Magazine