Page 37 - From ANOTHER NIGHT: C.B. Stories, True & Short & Tall: 3 Acadians on Ice
ISSUE : Issue 68
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1995/6/1
fishing. We told ourselves that if we could make it to the vil? lage we would be welcome as they knew some people from Cheticamp. Therefore we continued and climbed the huge boulders and once on top we stopped for a few minutes to talk. I said: "While we were on the ice, it seems I never got that weak but now that the worst of the work is over, I feel that my courage and strength is going. Guess we have to keep our courage up and if that's Fishing Cove to the east of us, we don't have far to walk by way of the mountain." As we were close to the coast, we had to walk through small pine trees and at times even crawl to make our way. Once we arrived at a valley that we thought could be La Fraser (river), we saw no habitation, no people, no houses, nothing at all. I told them not to think that we were lost be? cause we'd often heard our grandparents explain a place similar to this called "La Riviere a Anselm." Therefore we continued in the same western direction, soon to arrive at the Riviere a Anselm as described by our grandparents. We then walked downhill on the mountain, walking underneath pine trees and after quite some distance arrived at a clearing (or meadow). It was nice walking through the clearing and after a few moments, we noticed a small house before us. This gave us courage and we were happy to see smoke rising from the chimney, indicating that the house was occupied. We arrived at the house, knocked at the door and were warmly greeted. They were astonished to see us, strangers in their surroundings. The man of the house asked us where we were from. We explained the whole story of being lost on the ice and the misery we went through. I said to Hypolite LeFort: "You have more courage than me. Even if I could speak Eng? lish like you, I couldn't have anwered all the questions he asked." The master of the house told us we were welcome in his home but unfortunately they were very poor. All they had to eat was herring, potatoes and for beverage, soaked roasted oats. They cooked us a meal. It had been three times twen? ty-four hours in which all we had to eat was the bark from our wooden sticks ??ind ice. We had imagined at the time that it was food but it was far from it. We sat down at the table The Markland a coastal resort Rel kelax in our luxury log suites and dine on our gourmet food featuring local fish and lamb. JLhrill to the play of light and shadow as they dance over the northern seascape. For reservations in tha lUlaritimes call 1-800-565-0000. Or ask the operator for your toll free Checic Inn number. Local phone (902) 383-2246 Cabot Trail, Dingwall, Nova Scotia, BOC IGO, Canada for a meal discovering that we had difficulty eating. We found no taste in the food, suffering from sores in our mouths and such a long period of time without food. We didn't eat more than ordinarily as we were scared to get sick from all the fasting we'd had to do. Aft?r the meal, since there was no stove, we went to get some straw in the bam and made a few straw beds by the chimney. At supper time, we were awakened and served the same meal as before. The straw beds were then laid out for the entire family. The next moming, well rested, we got up around sev? en o'clock. After breakfast, at eight o'clock, we left the small house, thanking them for their hospitality. We could on? ly thank them as we had no money in our pockets to repay them for what they'd done for us. We told them sincerely that if they should ever be in Cheticamp, that is Eastem Harbour, they should look us up and we'd do our best to show our gratitude. We had no telephone or telegraph to let our families know that we were safe and they thought we were lost never to retum. We had to take the eastem direction, to? wards Aspy Bay so that we could return to our homes. We walked for about a mile and 233 Esplanade • 562-7646 An Historic Setting Overlooking the Harbour WE'RE PROUD TO SHARE... Scottish and Acadian Festivals Hiking trails, picnic and camping parks Museums and heritage The warmest waters north of the Carolinas! Cottage crafts and works of art The Cape Breton highlands National Park Fresh and salt water fishing Horse racing, canoeing, and other sports Fine accommodations, gift shops Restaurants Wildlife The Sunset Side of Cape Breton -f- Requests for Visitor's Guide, brochures, and general information may be made to: Inverness County Department of Recreation/Tourism P.O. Box 179. Port Hood, N.S. BOE 2W0 (902)787-2274
Cape Breton's Magazine