Page 52 - A Visit with Clara Buffet, Glace Bay
ISSUE : Issue 68
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1995/6/1
really, about nursing, or even medicine-- when I look back now, it was so crude. (You mentioned "linseed poultice." Were they still using what, in the country, we refer to as "old cures"?) Well, a poul? tice, certainly. (When) I went up to Mon? treal in the big hospitals, they were still using poultices. We never did leach? ing here. But I saw it done in Montreal. That is, putting leaches on to suck the blood out. And another thing was cupping-- take a cup, and you heated the air in the cup, and then put it over a boil. And that would draw it. I'd seen it in Montreal, but that had gone out here. They weren't doing that any more.... (What were they doing to break fever? In QUALITY FLOWERS AT REASONABLE RATES • HOSPITALS • ??FUNERALS !l • CORSAGES • WEDDINGS • ANNIVERSARIES • BALLOONS, ETC. BY PHONE 539,2432 AFTER HOURS 564-4245 • LONG DISTANCE 1-800-565-2114 273 TOWNSEND ST. OUR REPUTATION SAYS IT ALL! the country, you know, they tell me about times when they would take salt mackerel and tie it to the bottoms of people's feet. In the morning, the mackerel will have drawn the fever, and the mackerel will be cooked.) I think that's a little far-fetched! I don't think it would be that hot. But nevertheless, that was a be? lief. And I know another way--and I've seen that--and that was a salt mackerel tied around their neck, for a sore throat. That would be in homes. (You would never see that in the hospital.) No. No, no, no. Certainly we used icepacks, all kind of icepacks. And we used counterirritants. You know, it was the belief that if you had an infection somewhere, you could put on something--some solution or salve or something like that--that would irritate the skin, and make it red, and that would relieve the congestion that was inside. Well, I don't believe it ever did. (But we were doing that in the hospital.) Yes. Then, I firmly believed it.... (What were you able to do for pain?) Very little. Very little. That's one of the sad things that I remember. I know that I was a graduate. And I was a supervisor on a floor, and trying to get a doctor to or? der- -some doctors would order morphine grains, we'll say an eighth--"P.R.N.," which means whenever necessary. Others would say, "every four hours." Well, you knew in your heart that that woman was going to be screaming with pain by an hour and a half or two hours. She was going to die an3rway. Because we didn't--couldn't do anything for cancer in those days. And yet, they were scared--you know, this foolishness, you'll make them COUNTY DAYS AN ACTION-PACKED, FUN-FILLED PROGRAM OF ACTIVITIES BEING HELD IN CAPE BRETON COUNTY COMMUNITIES THIS SUMMER! COMMUNITY FESTIVALS, FOOD SOCIALS, DANCES, CARD GAMES, CHILDREN'S FUN DAYS, PICNICS, CONCERTS, SENIORS SOCIALS, DAY CAMPS, FUN VANS, SWIM AND TENNIS PROGRAMS .... Canada day: mira westmount south bar scotchtown Christmas island birch grove morion bridge mira gala big pond summer festival donkin school reunion gabarus schools reunion morien memories ben eoin fiddle and folk festival northside east boy summer test lingan road picnic feis an eileen tower road Are hall 40tti anniversary grand mira family picnic red cross beach party edvi/ardsviile barn dances HAVE A BALL WITH COUNTY DAYS '95!! For Information on County Days '95, contact the CAPE BRETON COUNTY RECREATION DEPARTMENT, 865 GRAND LAKE ROAD, SYDNEY, N.S. BI P 6W2 TELEPHONE 563-2700, EXT. 110 WHALE CRUISERS LTD. ESTABLISHED 1981 CHETICAMP (Opposite large stone church visible for miles.) Aboard the 42 ft. vessels WHALE CRUISER and BONNIE MAUREEN III, search for pilot whales, fin whales and minkes. Bird lovers may see bald eagles, gannets and a variety of other birds along the scenic coastline of Cape Breton Highlands National Park. View Interesting geology rock formations and sea caves. Enjoy an ocean experience. SCHEDULE DAILY: May - June, 6 pm (3 hrs.) July - Aug. 15, 9 am, 1 pm, 6 pm . Aug. 16 - Sept. 15, 9 am, 1 pm, 5 pm ('"Tisf' After Sept 15, 4 pm 'msm) Adults $25.00, Children 6-12, $10.00 Under 6 years FREE Contact: Whale Cruisers Ltd., Capt. Cal. Poirier P.O. Box 183, Cheticamp, N.S. BOE IHO Phone: (902) 224-3376 Fax: (902) 224-1166 Toll Free: 1-800-813-3376 During one period last season, with a radio-equipped spotter vehicle, whales were sighted over 40 trips in a row. • BUS TOURS WELCOME* NOVA SCOTIA'S ORIGINAL WHALE CRUISE Awards: TIANS & Ambassador Id on parle Frangais
Cape Breton's Magazine