Page 55 - A Visit with Clara Buffet, Glace Bay
ISSUE : Issue 68
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1995/6/1
would happen to. Can you think of one? Laughs. (It strikes me as male versus female roles.) Yes. But I think it's something that's taught. I think there's some? thing that's taught to doctors. I have a son, a doctor. And they're told from the first day--I know they used to be, at Dalhousie--that "You are extra-special. You are the top of the heap. You are this wonderful per? son." And they're fed that. Whether it's necessary or not. I remember advising my son when he went in for internship. I said, "Make friends with the head nurse. She's your scout." I said, "Listen to her. She'll know more about it than you will, because you're only learning. And," I said, "be her friend, and then she'll be yours, and you'll never regret it."... But, we've got a new bunch of women grown out. Laughs. I hope, better educated. We weren't very well educated.... The time has come, that there's a lot of things that nurses should be able to do. Gut down their cost, for doctors.... Nurses must be given more responsibility. Because they are highly trained, and they can take responsibility. And if you don't give them responsibility, they won't take it. If you're going to treat them like id? iots, I guess they're going to act like idiots, I don't know! So, I've lived through a very interesting era. I've seen all the changes. Some of them are good, some of them are not. The completion of yet another Red Cross Home Nursing course, "Care in the Home." at right, the instructor, Clara Buffett, R.N. Change--I don't like change just for change's sake. (Tell me a bad change.) Within hospitals. Oh, yes. Well, hospitals have changed so much. That we just want the people who are very, very sick. And yet we have brought up the public to liJce hospitals. They like to go to the hospi? tal. They like to be patients. They like to be waited on. They like to be bathed. And they like to be petted. And they like all these things. Now, you just's Glace Bay with two hospitals, built by the min? ers, and support? ed by the miners, until the Hospi? tals Act came in. Proud of them. But they love them. They can't get in fast enough. And stay in long enough! Laughs. Now the hospital says. Vacation in Louisbourg! Cape Breton A Warm Welcome Awaits You in HISTORIC LOUISBOURG Cape Breton, N.S. at the Bed & Breakfast Home of Mrs. Greta Cross 48 Pepperell St. (902) 733-2833 COMFORTABLE ROOMS HOME COOKING KITCHEN PRIVILEGES • LAUNDRY REFRIGERATION AVAILABLE CHILDREN WELCOME SHELTER FOR BICYCLES AMPLE PARKING SPACE OFF MAIN ST. QUIET AREA - SCENIC VIEW Bienvenue! Ciad Mile Failte! • ''kofe Dfo' • Caif' Di(f' • //fUVi(??' rMl f I II I r' SERVICES Phone (902) 539-7100 Gustavo Ruan Res (902) 564-4715 • Box 6266, RR 3 Cellular (902) 565-6522 Sydney BI P 605 • LOUISBOURG • SCUBA DIVING in the Clear Waters of Cape Breton Island Come and experience.... • The Evelyn, a freighter sunk in 1912 off Lighthouse Point • The French pay ship Chameau, sunk in 1725 • The Irish immigrant ship ai'ii''f Astrea, lost in 1834 at the foot of a cape • Lighthouse Pt. ??'??i' & Soldier's Cove, near 18th-century Fortress Louisbourg .?.,.. • 'm'. Railway Museum iflHlpininiwi S&L; Railway ran coal & passengers from 1895 to 1968. TouysBtii'G Visit our display of railroad & marine items, watercolours & depictions of life in Louisbourg. OPEN June & Sept: 9-5 July & August: 9-7 Mullins Shell o;;':'Cne * Convenience | Tires & Batteries Accessories Camping/Fishing Supplies Hardware'! Groceries Subs Sandwiciies Burgers Wat-a-Pizza '' Balod Goods (Fresh Daily) Post Office Outlet Lottery Tickets Jji Summer Hours: 7 Days a Week • 6:30 AM to 10 PM ??; ALBERT BRIDGE '' Louisbourg Hwy, Route 22 • 562-1070 jf' ... to the New... Louisbourg!
Cape Breton's Magazine