Page 56 - A Visit with Clara Buffet, Glace Bay
ISSUE : Issue 68
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1995/6/1
you only can stay in 25 days! (I have the feeling that somewhere along the way you lost your embarrassment about your mother's interest in improving the town, the civic situation. And you cer? tainly were keeping an eye on the hospi? tal, and nursing, and how that should im? prove. Am I correct, though, that you also took an interest in the town itself...?) Well, I was in Town House when it started-- the nursery classes. (That's Citizens' Ser? vice League, Town House....) It's the same. Purely local. (And purely local to Glace Bay.) That's right. I don't know of another place that has a thing like that. It was started by a social worker (Hilda Wright) -Sydney MiCtzvork'Limitedr ?? CUSTOM KITCHENS H'H'H ?? WE PAINT & STAIN gg'jQJgy S IJ'nuMT.Tno. • FREE ESTIMATES • ?? COUNTERTOPS _'' K'XAA ?? CUSTOM WOOD WORK OO'-OO**** ?? CUSTOM FRAMING 50 BROOKLAND ST. ''(Bring your Ideas to Life!" WE CAN HELP YOU REALIZE YOUR DREAM OF HOMEOWNERSHIP! FOR A MORTGAGE TO BUY, BUILD OR RENOVATE, SEE THE LOCAL EXPERTS League Savings 8 Mortgage 235 Charlotte St., Sydney, N.S. B1P6H7 Phone: 539-8222 "liJe'/t'i'H'' |W<'/ that was sent here by the Anglican Church, I think, and the United Church. And the first thing she realized, that there was so much division. This church was doing some? thing, that church was doing something, and another church was doing something. And she said, "Now, if all these women could work together, it would be so much easier on us all." (For Clara's story about this worker. Hilda Wright, see Issue 55 of Cape Breton's Magazine. It started with a clothing depot. And nursery classes....) And then we had--the Home Nursing courses --don't forget the Home Nursing courses. How many thousand did I put through Home Nursing courses! Long before that, I gave them at the General Hospital, because they had class room there. And I remember one that I had a hundred a week. Three classes a week. And that was only one year. And they couldn't under? stand what was happening in Halifax. What was this going on here? Chuckles. One time when we called for applications--anybody interested? And the great horde came. And that classroom was a big classroom. I sup? pose there must have been 150 there. And this one from Halifax looked in. She said, "I can't deal with this." So she turned on her heel and walked out! Laughs. That was the help that I got! So that was the time I decided we'll have three classes. But I was young then, full of pep. Then we had, at one time, we had a very nice deal going with both hospitals. I would give (these people) twenty hours in basic nursing--bedmaking, bathing, all the rest of it. And then they could go in (the hospitals) as volunteers. They would give Trust in our stars! • • • • GREAT FOOD ORTH STAR INN NORTH SYDNEY capebreton Nova Scotia's Friendly Seaport • Gateway to Newfoundland [rravellers to Cape Breton: "Unpack Once' Centrally Located to Most Attractions • 75 Rooms - Kings, Standards, • Fishery Restaurant and Suites • St. Pierre Rum Bar • Luxury Suite - Jacuzzi Bath • Indoor Pool and Whirlpool • Harbour View - Air conditioned • Kids free with parents • Seniors Discount Overlooking the Newfoundland Ferry Ternninai (Exit21, Highway 105) Tel: (902) 794-8581 Fax: (902) 794-4628 39 Forrest Street, P.O. Box 157, North Sydney, N.S. B2A 3M3 1-800-561-8585 (Atlantic)
Cape Breton's Magazine