Page 58 - A Visit with Clara Buffet, Glace Bay
ISSUE : Issue 68
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1995/6/1
7th Annual some practical work, nursing--not neces? sary that it had to be nurses--so it would be training, for that. And then I just proceeded to go in for this--Red Cross had started this Home Nursing course. And I got into that. And that went on, and on and on. (You may have answered this one. I was go? ing to ask you what you thought the role of a nurse is.) Role of nursing--essentially, I suppose, or the overall thing, is a care? giver. And you cannot divide what kind of care. Now, you will have your different therapists, all right. But as the nurse, is I the overall caregiver. That is my opinion of what a nurse should be. So she must know all disci? plines. This is the reason she must be highly educat? ed. No longer take the 18- year-old that failed high school, or couldn't get into universi? ty, and train her, as they said, to clean up after some? body else. To at BEN EOIN SKI SLOPE 20 km. west of Sydney on Highway 4 Saturday, Aug. 19 • COUNTRY DAY • STARTING AT 1 PM ... FEATURING ... John Curtis Sampson • Reatta Debbie MacMullin & Crossover Breton Bluegrass • Sons of Cape Breton Robert Bouchard & Elizabeth ...& more • Saturday, Aug. 19 • PUB with Carleton Showband 9 PM to 1 AM • $12.00 (tickets limited • call 828-2804 for information) Sunday, Aug. 20 • TRADITIONAL DAY • STARTING AT I PM ... FEATURING ... Carleton Showband • Gaelic College Pipe Band • John Allan Cameron Slainte Mhath (with Bhreatha MacDonald, Bruce MacPhee, Ryan & Boyd MacNeil) ...& MANY MORE SURPRISES! Canteen Facilities • Refreshment Tent • -Hlliiil-l-HHII-lil-LLLUiy For more information, please contact: Ski Slopes Ben Eoin 828-2804 (AUDIO OR VIDEO RECORDING EQUIPMENT IS NOT PERMITTED ON THE CONCERT SITE) do all the Joe jobs that no one wants. I have a very famous story. And this hap? pened not too long ago--perhaps ten years ago. And evidently the hospital had a cat --I don't know why they had a cat, but nevertheless, it was in the old hospital-- who had been sick. So the supervisor asked the man who was the cleaner-upper. And he said, "No. That's not my job." Then she asked another lower echelon, and--wasn't going to do that, either. "That's not my job." So finally, she went down to the probationer, and she said, "Clean that up." And she cleaned it up. And that is the state of nursing today. The Joe job. Except for the ones who are preparing themselves, and fighting a hard battle over it.... (I guess I keep coming back to--I think it's some of the unresolved conflict of the value of men and women.) Maybe. I think that's part of it. But there's an awful lot of female doctors now. (I mean, nobody suggested that your husband should leave his job when he got married.) No. No, no. Oh, it was definitely at that time. Now then, that's 1937--that's 53 years ago. And that's a long time in his? tory, isn't it? (I don't know. Not when I hear that the nurse still has to clean up from the cat!) Yeah.... But you know, this is not the thing.... Whether it is the lack of respect for the person who is doing nursing. Somehow or another, they have to get the nurses to be proud of what they're doing themselves. • Paint • Wallpaper • Caulking • Accessories &>' NVBER' THE BEST COMPUTERIZED COLOR MATCHING ife?'' All Competitors Paint Colors Available MacDONALD'S WINDOWS, DOORS & MORE 165 Townsend Street, Sydney 564-5433 JOHN R. IVIACDONALD LTD. They have to do it well. I will say that not every school has been a good school. And, they may perhaps not have enough background of science and philos? ophy and everything else--they have to have some background that they can stand in here: "Here I am. I'm not moving. I am right." How do you teach that?
Cape Breton's Magazine