Page 69 - 10 Years! The Story of The Cape Breton Summertime Review
ISSUE : Issue 68
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1995/6/1
The Cape Breton Summertime Revue Story Continued from Page 12 Maynard Morrison continues: He's not that kind of person. So the only way he can deal with them is to--to threaten them, or to coax them. He was having a hard time. And the dog is yapping and running around. I don't know--yeah, it struck me funny then and it struck me funny later. So we're in Max's place, and I was telling them about this, and was thinking about the show. And I just said, "Cecil, get out of the water." And they thought that was really funny. And the name--maybe because of the sea--Cecil--I don't know--it was just basically an improv. And then I started writing, and I started building, and based on other people--that man that I had seen, and other people that I saw on the beach, that didn't really look like they belonged on the beach, you know, with their patent leather shoes and black pants, completely covered. Just not beach people. Like, you sometimes see people that maybe work in jobs that don't afford them that much vacation time. So if they do end up on the beach, they just look so out of place.... Bette MacDonald: Actually, I had Mary Mor? rison before I did the Revue. Mary I did in "Broad Assumptions." Actually, Mary is one- half of a sister team. And Joella (Foulds) played the other sister. And we did this sketch: it's the two sisters going to com? munion.... Anyway, the two sisters go off to communion, or to confession, rather. And they have to make up sins, because these ladies don't sin. But you know, there's that whole Catholic idea of you go and you confess your sins and then you're absolved and cleansed. It's like driver points. So, off they go, and they create these sins. Because their lives aren't excit? ing enough to produce any real good sins! So that's where Mary came from. And Duncan Wells wrote the very first Mary Morrison sketch.... In the first year of the Revue, I didn't do Mary at all. Because I thought, this funny. I'll save her for my own stuff! So that year went by. And I think that winter, after the very first year that I did the Revue, we did a show called "How's She Going?" Max, Lucky Campbell, and Doris Mason and I. And it was directed by Maynard. And that's the first time that they saw the Mary character.... So then Max said, "Well, why don't you do this character in the Revue?" And she's been there ever since. (When you become her, is there a transfor? mation akin to "owning the stage"?) Defi? nitely. With all the characters, there has to be, in order for them to work. (What do you do?) To become her? Well, I don't do much of anything now. Now, it's really easy. But back then I would have to get myself physically into position--it took a longer time. And I'd have to do the voice for a little while and get the voice. Maynard and Bette in "Nana's Way" well, they won't find m larsh ''' ' Serving Those with a Hearing Problem Since 1961 • "There is no substitute for experience" arion HEARING AID CENTRE LTD. SPECIALISTS Free '73 ESPLANADE - SYDNEY • 539-5881 Hearing '25 MAIN ST - GLACE BAY • 849-8656 Tests IF NO ANSWER CALL 539-5881 TOLL FREE 1-800-565-5881 • Dianne MacLean, B.A., BC-HIS • Irma Marsh, H.I.S. • Coady Marsh, B.Sc, B.I., P.Eng., BC-HIS • Glenn Basso, B.BA, H.I.S. • Heather Grant, M.Sc, Audiologist N.S. Hearing Si Speech Clinics If you have a pre? scription or a rec? ommendation from a Hearing & Speech Clinic, we will be happy to serve you. We have served hundreds who have come through clin? ics and physicians. Workers' Compensation for Hearing Loss When you receive your letter from Workers' Compensa? tion Board (WCB), take it to OTARION and we will look after it from there. We are familiar with them, and know what to do. War Veterans Your DVA Taps cards are accepted. Being an RCAF veterM, I am always pleased to see you, whether you need hearing service or not-
Cape Breton's Magazine