Page 74 - 10 Years! The Story of The Cape Breton Summertime Review
ISSUE : Issue 68
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1995/6/1
created something that was better than each of us could have done alone. And so my mission was basically to try to convince them.... Because there was real? ly no history of people from our area playing original music. And there really wasn't anybody in the Maritimes that I knew of that was playing a lot of origi? nal music. At that time the Maritimes still had this feeling that real music came from the United States, that real music came from somewhere else.... And I guess partially because of my back- ?? ground, of being given a voice by the Boardmores, you know, to create theatre. And Leon had had some of those same expe? riences- -his theatre background. That it seemed to me that we could apply the same thing to music. We had a voice. We had something to say. We had a whole world--in Cape Breton, in the Maritimes--to talk about. It certainly was an identifiable place to anybody that lived there and any? body that didn't. So what was wrong with talking about it in music? When we left that apartment a year later. We swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Our Service Bay Diagnostic System always tells the taith. SBDS hooks right up to your vehicle so that you and your mechanic both know exactly what's wrong. Quickly and accurately. SBDS also provides a detailed print-out of the problem. So all you find on your bill is the tmth. 'BDS'K Eni'iciE eavj oiasnosric: s But the truth doesn't have to hurt. WE SERVICE ANY FORD OR MERCURY CAR OR TRUCK. AND WE DO IT FASTER THAN ANYONE! WE MADE THIS $40,000.00 INVESTMENT SO THAT WE CAN FIX IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME. PLAZA LINCOLN MERCURY SALES LTD. 33 TERMINAL ROAD SYDNEY, NOVA SCOTIA 567-1616 suddenly--Enver went off and joined the Minglewood Band, and they were in the stu? dio- -Matt Minglewood recorded his first album. Buddy and the Boys recorded their first album. The first Rise and Follies of Cape Breton show happened. All that hap? pened within a year, I guess; there was a tremendous sort of dawning of self- confidence or something. We all played with each other and sup? ported each other and worked together. It took a lot of us to make each of us believe that this was the right thing to do.... You know, Buddy and the Boys were playing 250 to 300 nights a year for five years. We used to be on the road probably nine months of the year, maybe ten months of the year. We had a business. We had people hired full-time. There were five of us in the band, and another two people were hired to travel with us to look after the equipment and drive the truck. And we had a truck and a sound system to pay for--all those things. So you had to work, to make it work. So, yeah, we worked hard, real hard. We had a lot of fun, too. Chuckles. (Buddy and the Boys played a lot of places that no one will know about in the fu? ture. No one will ever be able to even put that to? gether again. I'm thinking of a place like Freddy To? mie's. ... ) Anybody that was playing electric music dur? ing the '70s played at Fred Tomie's. It was the Whitney Pier Athletic Club, was the name of the place. There WE HAVE A FLEET OF 12 LOAN VEHICLES THAT YOU CAN RESERVE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE.
Cape Breton's Magazine