Page 89 - 10 Years! The Story of The Cape Breton Summertime Review
ISSUE : Issue 68
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1995/6/1
And--boy oh boy, they wanted to buy merchan? dise! We couldn't believe it. People were spending two and three hundred dollars-- each. "I'll have five of those T-shirts, and three tapes--I'11 have all those tapes. And give me two hats. And give me...." We were just flabbergasted with the activity in the merchandise. And, also, it was a great way to feel the pulse of the crowd. But what if you had to play to somebody other than Maritimers? Because that's who we were getting--a whack of Cape Bretoners there and Maritimers there. But the one venue that we didn't--and it became apparent to me right off the top that night, when people came in and began to go by the merchandise table, was King? ston. And it was an older crowd. More of a middle-aged to older. We were actually promoted as part of a series. So people bought our ticket in conjunction with four or five others, like Holly Cole and Second City and a play, and us. So they just came because they had a ticket. And they were asking me, "What is this show?" And I was saying, uh-oh, this'11 be the test. They loved it. Absolutely loved it. And we sold out that night just because in virtue of the festival. But then we returned last year and sold out again. And even added a second show, and sold a good part of that. We said. What'11 we do now? Let's go right across Canada. So (next year)I headed out to Alberta the same sort of time of year as I had the previous year. (A little late.) A little late! Talked to a bunch of theatre people that didn't have any idea who we were and kind of looked at us skep? tically. And booked the thea? tres. Did our own advertising. Ac? tually, that was Leather Works by John C. Roberts Visit Worksliop and Store at • INDIAN BROOK • CAPE BRETON ISLAND BOC 1 HO On Cabot Trail between Baddeck & Ingonish DAILY 9-5 SUNDAY 10-5 (May thru Oct)! Telephone (902) 929-2414 ...the Gem of Victoria County 100%. There weren't even any guarantees or any co-productions. The whole thing right through: Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Re- gina, Winnipeg, and Thunder Bay. But they were all totally self-presents. We put our neck on the line on every one of those. There wasn't one guarantee of one penny. Plus there was a tremendous amount of cash outlay we had to spend over the phone, with radio stations and television stations and promotion agencies. And it, again, was exciting. The first night there--it was just a booming, over? whelming feeling from the audience onto the stage. Just wow! And everybody was ab? solutely walking on air. You know, it was just tremendous. They were good shows, with a good response, and good applause. Really great shows. Good audience partici? pation. Although, we lost our shirt. And of course--what really encouraged us, other than wanting to do this--I mean, we couldn't have done it without the Canada- Nova Scotia Co-op Agreement. It helped us to get to Ontario, to a great extent. We did have a deficit in Ontario. If we had to ab? sorb it all, we would have been in big trou? ble. I believe it was like $30,000 came from the Co? op Agreement to help us get over that hump of the first year in On? tario . As it was, I think we had another $10,000 had to be put in directly from our coffers to make--I think it was about a $40,000 loss. It sounds like big numbers. But in terms of the raft :51ipp>:o • v HANDCRAFTS ANTIQUES & souvEMRs COLLECTABLES The traditional warmth of handcrafted Mar? itime giftware, with unique gift suggestions and curious mementoes of your visit. • Open Daily, Mid-June to Labour Day • ENGLISHTOWN (JERSEY COVE) Route 312 • (902)929-2992 just 1 km. north, across the Englishtown Ferry Sew Inclined [ A Workshop IN THE Glen • Custom Orders • Sewing Services • Designer Clothing & Accessories Tarbot, Cape Breton open 7 days a week, 9 - 5 Wanda MacDonald AND Barbara Longva Showcase of Work on Display (902) 929-2050 PIPER'S TRAILER COURT Featuring: Fully Licensed Dining Room Laundromat Mini-Mart Ocean-Side Campsites Swimming Pool 929-2233 929-2067 Indian Brook on the Cabot Trail (Halfway between Baddeck and Ingonish) From either direction on the Cabot Trail, plan for comfort and welcome Piper's Old Manse GUEST HOUSE with Bed and Breakfast OPEN YEAR ROUND > wim isea ana i5re. Brook on the Cabot Trail (Halfway between Baddeck and Ingonish) i' OPEN YEAR ROl From any direction, it's a beautiful way to go! 89
Cape Breton's Magazine