Page 2 - Wilfred Creighton & the Expropriations: Clearing Land for the National Park, 1936
ISSUE : Issue 69
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1995/8/1
Left: Duncan Campbell's property at Big Intervale. Centre: Murdock MacGregor's place, Big intervale. Right: unnamed property, thought to be at Big Intervale. Readers' help in correctly naming the photos will be welcomed. 1 don't know what his negotiations amount? ed to, but he didn't make any settlements. (Ken Donovan: Did the first fellow make any?) No. Neither one made a settlement. So they must have gone down around 1937 and I think that it would be 1938. I was a Pro? vincial Forester and the thing was dumped in MacQuarrie's lap as Minister of Lands and Forests. I was a young forester and if there was any dirty job to do (it) would come my way. So I was sent down to negotiate. Hot? Cold? Wet?
Cape Breton's Magazine