Page 24 - Voyage from Boularderie to Waipu
ISSUE : Issue 69
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1995/8/1
rough ocean began to assume a smooth and pleasing appear? ance. The dark blue sea shone like a valley of glass under the in? fluence of the sun's rays, and here and there borne along on the bosom of the vast and mighty ocean, we see some branches of sea weed, wrenched and tom, & brought along by the violence of the winds from some far off shore. They pass along before our view for a short time and then is lost for ever to our sight The day passed on without nothing new occurring. One of the hands gave up working on account of his inability to perform his duties. He was not very smart originally, and the roughness of the mate made him stupid, the which said roughness he did not use to the rest of the hands, but must be attributed to the said sailor's signing the articles against the consent of the mate. Night came on with all its speckled glory, soon the orb of night rose in all its splendour, which presently diminished the spark? ling light of its lesser companions. The morning and forenoon was beautifully splendid, the sun shone with all its genial warmth, and the air fanned us with an invigorating coolness. It be? ing Sunday, all the passengers on deck looked clean and nice, and the most engaged in reading. Our Captain is f 8th day out Ufan.3,1858 Your chance to meet Cape Breton Craftspeople face-to-face. Countnj Gander Handcraft/ lltutecfPfWms A Doc'StoffS A A'Uks Baif'Qa/iCs A Fioaief'Af'f'ait'eHts G'istmas Of'HCUKCKts A rfdHd-rCHitCed'fOods A Gift for Everyone! Englishtown 929-2329 KITTIWAKE CRAFTS Original Design Sweaters & Suits "Originally Designed for You" CALL... Lucy Barrett 179 Cartier St., Sydney BIP 4A7 564-4138 "Lady's Slipper" (Ladies' Suit) very attentive on the sick of which we had a few aboard. We had a fair wind all day but in the afternoon and through the night the weather was a little cooler and the wind blew stiffer. It is very curious the feeling which comes over us, on board of a ship on Sunday, till we get accustomed to it when we hear the cry of the sailors, raised up, keeping time with their labour, we almost forget that it is Sunday, and sometimes we actually but unintentionally commit ourselves but presently we shudder at our carelessness. In the morning the sun rose bright and clear but towards noon the sky began to grow cloudy and threatening. To windward as far as the eye could reach, we could discern a long broad belt and black as 9th day out 1 (Jan. 4,1858J darkness, coming on towards us, with a fearful rapidity. The squall was coming fast. A low hoarse roar, the mingled sound of the moving current of air and of the combing and breaking crest of the waves • made itself heard on board amid the surg? ing and plunging of the ship and the wild flapping of the heavy canvas. "All hands Stand by. Here it comes," shouted our Cap? tain grasping the wheel. He had hardly spoken when a column of damp air swept past, which fill'd out the sails with a sudden jerk, and wrenching the yielding mass until it bowed heavily over before the irresistable shock. Recovering from the impulse of the shock our ship struck her sharp bows into the rolling sea driving the blue water over her weather bulwarks and gaily sailed on. We immediately shortened sail, but soon the Squall died off into a stiff breeze, and continued so all day laying our course, by observation we were in Lat. 33? 04. N. Long. 44?.07. W. About midnight the wind veered round to the N.E. with very heavy showers of rain. Some on board argued very stoutly that they were the Trade Winds, but my opinion was contrary, because the winds are attracted by the sun. Therefore it was natural enough when the sun was in the Tropic of Capricorn, that we could not meet them so soon, consequently we did not meet them for a very long time after. Murd. McDonald signed the ships articles in place of D.McDonald resigned. In the morning we made all sail, the wind was very light but 'lOth day out' '''' '? ''"' ''''' '' above was speckled T ' 1 $i'$i ''' '' '''' ''* curiously formed and fan- jan. 5, lo'o J xsi''Q clouds, the sea was quite smooth. About noon the cry of "Sail ho," came down in guttural tones from the foretop. In a few moments afterwards the decks were all crowd- !' i>'' ANTIOUES''-
Cape Breton's Magazine