Page 25 - Voyage from Boularderie to Waipu
ISSUE : Issue 69
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1995/8/1
ed, everyone on tiptoe to get a sight at the strange phenomena. I noticed some faces on deck, which were quite strange to me, and whom I never noticed before on deck. Pretty soon the two ships neared each other and our Captain walked forward with a speaking trumpet and spying glass in his hand. At last the vessels were abreast of each otifier, and the ex? citement aboard of our ship was at its height. Moving and push? ing each other, everyone eager to catch a glimpse of the strang? er. Our Captain put his speaking trumpet to his mouth, and roared out, "What ship is that?" 'The Pam Pluck of Boston," came back in a hoaree voice. "Where are you from again?" hailed our Captain. "From Culoa, South America, bound to Bos? ton," boomed back in the same tone. "Report the Bar." "Brea? dalbane ten days outbound to Auckland," again shouted our Captain. A rough, "Aye aye, sir," was heard, and showing us her stem with aU its national Emblems, Eagles, Stars and flourishes of all kinds. She was soon lost to our sight. The invalid went to his berth and those who (had) anything to do, went to their work and soon the Yankee was forgotten. About 4 P.M. we had a dead calm and the sky began to grow cloudier, the clouds were very different from what they are in Nova Scotia, it assumed the col? our of copper and sometimes dark as blackness itself. We picked up some of the floating sea weed around us which is very curious in its consmiction, it greatly resembles what we usually call in Nova Scotia Maidenhair, it bears small berries in the same manner, and they are supposed to contain small worms inside, but too small to be discerned by the naked eye. About dark the sky was sublimely and beautifully clear, no speck or spot could be discerned above the horizon. But with an astonishing rapidity, a thick mantle was thrown over the im? mense space above. The little sparkling stars which a little time before shone so bright, now as if by magic disappeared from our sight. Soon the rain began to come down first in light show? ers and ultimately heavy as a deluge. It was calm through the day, and little of any consequence hap- llth day out' P?"?' through the day. Jan. o, lo5o J i'g PQJ.J fireplace was built up and our Cap- nMmingsfor 'oCe Unfinished Wood Turnings for Wood Tole Painters made from Cape Breton Poplar (we dry our own) • VASES • STOOLS • BENCHES • LAZYSUSANS • PLATES (6- to 17-) • CANDLE HOLDERS • MILK BOTTLES (Round & Square) • JUGS Evelyn Lynch, 1892 Kings Road, Howie Centre 562-1510 QitaUty Wood Turnings for H'oCe Tamtings tain was the principal mason employed in the work. Something dropped overboard from one of the passengers and our (Captain) was so condescending as to lower out his gig and two of the hands had a fine row on the bosom of the ocean, al? though calm the sea ran very heavy. Now the frail boat would be seen towering up on top of the waves, then, it would be lost to our sight, hiding itself as if it was, in the deep trough of the sea, we observed a few of the nantilis species, but they were quite small. A very light breeze sprung up about dark, and steered south east by East. The day was clear and quite warm, but little or no wind. We ri2th day out' '*P'?' '? '''' through the day, but they did T 7 1 $l'$i "?' come near enough to enable us to make Jan. /, lo'o ) Qy' 'jj'j 'i'gy 'gjg About sunset the clouds begun to tower up above the horizon, in most beautiful and fan? tastical shapes. There you fancy you see a huge rock raising up with its steep and ragged sides far up in the blue sky. Here you fancy you see one of those romantic castles of the olden times, of which we occasionally read with pleasure and amazement, its lofty towers, raising high up in the air, so that they are but dimly visible, surrounded with its high and strong battlements, armed with a dark body of hardly distinguishable men. There again you fancy you see before you in the distance an immense forest, surrounded with a barrier of dense thickets, and in the middle shooting up its branches far up above his subjects is the forest King, looking down with a proud and majestic look on locally made... Scented Candles In Jars and Unscented Handmade Soap 133 McLean St. • GLACE BAY N.S. B1A 2L1 • 849-4697 Product of Cape Breton owner/operator Bernard Macintosh IndividuaCCy Crafted Stringed Instmments VioCins, VioCas, Cedes guitars dr iHhrps By Otb A. rToittas VJK.#4 'BaMtckMyS. 'BOfE I'BO (902) 929-2766 CAPE BRETON CENTRE for CRAFT and DESIGN (,'?/ • Brflim Srhool of Crafts 225 George St. • 539-7491 Visit our... Craft Market at the S & L Train Station Roundhouse in LOUISBOURG • AUGUST 25 - 26 - 27 FRIDAY 12 - 8 • SATURDAY 10 - 8 • SUNDAY 11-8 over 30 EXHIBITS of QUALITY CRAFTS And don't foi't... Christmas at the Centre Centre 200 • NOVEMBER 24 - 25 - 26 FRIDAY 12 - 9 • SATURDAY 10 - 9 • SUNDAY 12 - 5 CRAFT MARKET & FOOD SHOW by the Dept. of Agriculture SoatimodCt'a' Wood Crafts for Home j • Hand Painted Wood Plaques A' 'k/iii' Novelty Gift Items ' g'S'M & 'LSO FEATURING "('(fAe" DRESSED FASHION DOLLS & DOLL CLOTHES Victorian Floral Crafts Cape Breton Chain Saws • Wood Patterns CUSTOM ORDER CUT-OUTS FOR TOLERS 109 South St. (P.O. Box 403) Glace Bay NS B1A 5V4 • 849-8647 • ONE STREET BEFORE THE MINERS' MUSEUM • Travel Cape Breton with Grafters in mind....
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