Page 27 - Voyage from Boularderie to Waipu
ISSUE : Issue 69
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1995/8/1
Inside and outside the House of Memories, Waipu, North? land, New Zealand, where are stored treasures that relate to the settlers who came from Cape Breton In six voyages from 1851 to 1860. Murdoch Fraser's diary Is among those treasures. last is exhausted and returns again to its watery element and maybe darts into the jaws of its most inveterate ene? my and pursuer the Dolphin. The dolphin has the appear- Bjigng' ance of a salmon, but a great deal thinner in the body. 'WJii Both Dolphin and flying fish are eatable, excepting those on the Copper banks, and to find out the eatable ones I give the following recipe. When the fish is boiling put a silver coin along with it into the pot. If the silver retains its original colour, the fish is eatable. But if the coin turns to a copper color, the fish is not eatable. About 4 P.M. a light shower of rain came on, the wind abated and we had a dead calm in a very short time. The sea was running very heavy, and the ship rolled fearfully. Through the night it was very squally with heavy showers of rain. (17th dav OUt' '' '' morning we entered the Tropic of Can- T 1 '7 18'8 ''' '' Longitude 39? west. With fair wind. Jan. IZ, io5oJ jYiQ ''y '' yg' f-jjjg 'j'jj 'jj occasional shower of rain till the afternoon, when it turned cloudier with very heavy squalls & momentary calms. About dark a heavy squall came on which caused us to shorten sail. Through the night we had blesome person among a hundred will very often create a distur? bance, especially by throwing a party's country, locality, sect, etc., etc., into his face. Some parties wiU put up with this, but in general, the most will not. Aboard of a ship, where idleness is the general occupation, a disturbance is very easily raised, and should the disturbance be raised by children as it most generally is, men must set it right • About noon the wind came right aft. We squared our yards and 18th day out' ?.''f Uan. 13,1858J ''''" nmg and heavy rain, but a stiff breeze of fair wind, which continued till daylight, when it became calm. Our Captain and one of the passengers had some hens aboard. A pen was made for them in the stem athwart ships. They were all in good condition, ex? cept one which died in the morning from some un? known disease. To the shame of some of the pas? sengers I have noticed some acts taking place between them which is no doubt an evU very pre? dominant in society espe? cially among some class? es of people, which formerly lived in different localities. When they as? sociate together one trou- Keltic Lodge, The Spirit of the Highlands Offering two great restaurant choices for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The Purple Thistle Dining Room With spectacular views of the sea and a longstanding repu? tation for dining excellence, the Purple Thisde offers a su? perb variety of menu items appealing to every taste. Seafood is the specialty. For information and reservations call (902) 285-2880 Keltic Lot'e Middiehead Peninsula Ingonish Beach The Atlantic Restaurant A casual eatery on the edge of the ocean overlooking North Bay. Serving attractively priced snacks and full meals. KBIJjy'DGF. 27
Cape Breton's Magazine