Page 29 - Voyage from Boularderie to Waipu
ISSUE : Issue 69
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1995/8/1
of these were flying aboard, but most generally in the night time. The day was fme and very warm. The wind was fair all day (i27th dav OUt' '''' running at the rate of 8 knots per hour. T 'y' eco '' espied a large ship to windward of us, Jan. ZI, i??5??J bound to Europe. Through the night the wind blew pretty stiff which caused us to r28th dav OUt' '''' 'P ''' main and fore top gallant sails but I ' I in the morning we made all sail again and Tori '' 1SCS iinjiimig wc iiiauc aii saii a'ain oiiu 'jan. z:y, loso; f''' through the water like a thing of life. The sky was cloudy with some light showers of rain. Towards noon it grew calm, with heavy showers of rain. At noon we were in latitude 2? 45' North. About dark a Ught breeze came on, but not altogether fair. The breeze continued very light. Through the night and day the r29th dav OUt' '''' '' ''' '''' ''' insufferable and could T '?d 18'8 '?' '' endured if it was not for the air con- jan. Z% lo5oJ veyed down by wind sails made in the shape of tags, one end open to the air and the other in? serted down into the hatchway. Also in the daytime we had awnings spread over the decks to defend us from the heat of the sun. Richmond County's Route 4 "I took the road less travelled by ...and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost Crafts & Gifts AAaln Street St. P??t??rS 535-319>
Cape Breton's Magazine