Page 31 - Voyage from Boularderie to Waipu
ISSUE : Issue 69
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1995/8/1
minute or more, add some ground pepper, mix well, drink all up • and it will cure in a short time. But if a bar of iron cannot be got, simply set to the brandy with a lighted taper, but be sure and have the sugar in first. Good brandy is of service in case of sea sickness therefore a 'ti good supply of it would be useful. Chocolate and coffee are the best drinks to use. Rice being a light diet is very serviceable for healthy persons as well as for invalids. We continued on the same course all day S.S.W. We had all night and day a pretty stiff breeze, but kept quite f'2nd dav out' ''''' '' ''' wind, course south by west. T '>7 18'8 Since the potatoes were consumed and yan. ZV, loSoJ cleared out of the hold, the stench went away and the decks were kept dry and clean. Some of the passengers begun to grow sick, but our captain being very attentive, they very soon recovered. In the afternoon we had to furl up fore and main top gallant sails, and put the 1st reef in the fore and main topsails. About dark it began to blow very strong, but being light of bal? last, we had to keep her close to the wind, therefore we were not making much headway. Before daylight we expected to see land but were disappointed. '3rd dav out' ''' '''' '' expected to see was an island of New Zealand coast, looking towards Waipu The breeze blew pretty brisk all day. We espied two ships fZ 'n ificfi' through the day but none of them came The wind lighter, course south by west, and running 6 knots per hour. We espied two ships through the day, one of them went pass to windward. About noon we seen the other one right ahead and '36th day out "' Jan.31,1858j Jan. 28,1858J Cape St Roque, called Femunda. The wind was pretty brisk all day, but made all sail about noon, and stowed all the luggage we could below decks. A little before dark we espied a steamer to leeward bound to Rio de Janeiro. Our course was S.S.West and running at the rate of 7 knots per hour. The wind continuing blowing pretty fresh all night, and making ''4th dav Ollt' good headway, but still in the same direction. coming in our direction. The Capt cast the lashing of his gig to board her. Some began with lightning speed to scribble some words on paper to send to their friends, and some who would Uke to do the same, in their hurry could not do it, so that when the boat shoved off some were seen on deck with late letters in Uan. 29,1858J In the morning we espied a brigantine to windward but did not hail her. By our having always a good breeze of wind, we do not suffer so much from the heat, which is intense, but not near to what I expected it to be. VICT< Gifts & Crafts for All Occasions 243 CHARLOTTE STREET, SYDNEY (across from Standard Office Supplies) Victorian Prints & Cards • Shower & Wedding Gifts • Dried Flower Wreaths Crafts • Eucalyptus & Dried Flower Supplies • Battenburg Lace 564-0208 • Unusual & Unique • Chaline Johnston Sajatovich CELEBR G OF 1 00 MILLION TR Our Forests Are in Good Hands. More than thirty years ago, Stora Forest Industries Limited came to Nova Scotia with the goal of sustainable forestry. And over the years we have developed our forest management programs with this goal in mind. Stora has planted and tended 180,000 acres of new forests in northeastern Nova Scotia. As a result, we are growing more trees than we harvest on lands managed by Stora. rhis year Stora is proud to celebrate the planting of its 100 millionth seedling. That's more than one hundred new trees for every man, woman, and child living in Nova Scotia. And it's another step closer to our goal of sustainable forestry. STORA' We're working with nature. Stora Forest Industries Limited Port Howl
Cape Breton's Magazine