Page 46 - With Kay Currie, Westmount
ISSUE : Issue 69
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1995/8/1
Each of Us Has a Guardian Angel Kay Currie: Each and every one of us, we're all here for a purpose. Every one of us. (We're put on this earth for that.) Yes. That is, if we leave it in His hands- have confidence enough in Him to leave it in His hands, to help and guide us. Because I know myself, when I neglect to do that, things always happen the op? posite way. It's true. I just • something else is on my mind, and I'm thinking that I can do it myself, without any help. I woke up Jan. 6th, 1943, with a terrific snowstorm raging, banks of snow. The po? lice were telling everyone to stay in? doors. Around 10 o'clock I went into la? bour. I didn't know what to do. There was only an elderly man in the house and he was ill. His daughter went to visit friends. I began to pray to Ste. Anne to help me. Around 11:30 the door opened, Mick walked in. He said, "I was told to come here quickly," that I needed him. I got dressed and left with Mick, while we walked, through banks of snow to our hips to about a quarter of a mile, arriving at the hospital at 1 o'clock. Tommie was born before 3 o'clock. My sixth child was a girl; she arrived July 7, 1944. After arriving home, I couldn't do any work from the time I woke up in the morning until 1 o'clock in the afternoon. The intense (When you say without any help, you mean, without resorting to prayer?) Yeah. Or else ask our Guardian Angel to help you, or any of the saints. Even Ste. Anne • not ask her to guide me. Especially our Guardian Angel • that's the one that's neglected throughout the world. (And who is that?) Each and every one of us, when we are born, have a Guardian Angel, is granted a Guardian Angel • an angel to took after us. Every one of us • doesn't matter who it is that's born. There's an angel granted by our Lord to look after us and guide us. That is, if we pray to them. And they do. pain I suffered during that time would leave me, and I was able to do my housework. When my physician arrived back from his course (he didn't deliver the baby), I went to see him. He exam? ined me and said, "I won't be able to help you un? less you be? come preg? nant." When I did in May 1946, the pain completely left. A lot of people see their Guardian Angel in the world. Of course, those are very holy people. (So you haven't seen your....) No, I never! Kay laughs. I was lucky to see our Lord! The Face of Sydney is Changing... The City of Sydney con? tinues to grow and change with a commitment to tne challenges of the future and a recognition of our I responsibility to the past. From Centre 200 to the Whitney Pier Historical Society, from excellent shopping to the heritage buildings of the North End and our Waterfront • first-rate restaurants and motels make Sydney your base for dt//of Cape Breton. Within easy reach of the Miners' Mu? seum, the Fortress of Louisbourg, the Alexander Graham Bell National Historic Museum and the marvellous Cape Breton Highlands • Sydney of? fers lots of reasons to visit and to relocate here. You are Welcome in Sydney, Mayor Vince MacLean On February 15th, (1947) I arrived at the hospital. I was in labour all night. Sunday morning the nurses and Sisters said they were going to the chapel for Mass. I was about to tell them not to leave me alone, when I noticed a nurse beckoning me to let them go. She came in and said, "I will have you ready before they come back." As soon as she touched me, I real? ized and was at peace. I asked if she was working in the hospital. She said, "No, I took another nurse's place." She called the doctor. The baby was born before the Sister and nurses came back from Mass. When I asked the staff about the nurse who assisted me, none of them knew or saw her. I realized she had been a heavenly being sent to help me. In October 1948 when my 9th child was born I overheard the doctor and Sister talking about an Indian lady who was having diffi? culty with her 10th child. I said to the Sister, "Take this Ste. Anne cord and place it on the mother." She did. Immedi? ately the baby was delivered with no complications. Superior I Propane Inc. We bring you the Power of Propane: Residential : Commercial : Industrial Sales & Service Port Hawkesbury 625-0717 Sydney 539-1060 46
Cape Breton's Magazine