Page 50 - With Kay Currie, Westmount
ISSUE : Issue 69
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1995/8/1
July 7th, my father visited me. The same odd colour surrounded him that surrounded my aunt (Aunt Flora) before she died. He wanted to see everything inside and outside as if he was seeing it for the last time. Around 11 p.m. that night, he took a stroke. He was unable to talk, only mumble. He was anointed, but couldn't take commun? ion. The priest said, "He is trying to con? fess something. Call me whenever he regains his speech." He succumbed at 6 a.m. the next morning. I offered everything for him. After arriving home from the funeral my body was so sore, yon couldn't touch any part of me. I knew he was in Purgatory. A week later after retiring, I went into the floating sensation. While in it my fa- |ther appeared in his workday clothes. We talked of trivial things. Sud? denly it dawned on me he was dead. I be? came fright? ened. I came out of it and he disap? peared. I started to pray for him. Quality Cameras Building, corner George & Dorchester Streets. PEOPLE YOU CAN TALK TO. Again, I went into the same floating sensa? tion, and he appeared and said, "Do not be afraid, Mary Catherine." (He always called me that.) "I know you are offering your pain for me." I said, "Where is Momma?" "She is in Heaven." And I asked, "Where are you?" "I am in Purgatory. When your foot closes, I will be with her in Heaven. "Tell your children, when they pray, to ask their guardian angels and saints, the poor souls in Purgatory, to pray along with them. Pray from their heart--mean what they say-- offer up everything they do, say, think, and suffer daily." Then he disappeared. August 7, on a Saturday night my foot was so sore, I ripped off the bandages. I couldn't keep quiet. I went downstairs, plunged my foot in a basin of hot water, all the time praying for Father. About 1:30 a.m. the pain eased, I went to bed. Sunday morning when I woke up my foot was completely cured. I knew Father was in Heaven. I began to doubt whether they were in Heaven or was it Satan putting these thoughts in my mind. I began to pray to show me the truth. In a dream (my parents) both appeared floating on a cloud. Mother in a bed and Father standing beside the head of the bed. They were so happy and beautiful and I was given to understand that I would have no more doubts, and I never did. In August, I was expecting another child. September went by. I knew something was wrong because I was over my due date. Oct. Cape Breton Boarding Kennels MODERN HEATED FACILITY FOR DOGS AND CATS • Open 12 Months • Indoor - Outdoor Dog Kennels • New Cattery Separate Building from the Dogs ' • Certification of Vaccination Required 737-2281 R- R- #1, GLACE BAY, N. S. Its a crime what an amateur will do to a perfectly simple print joh Get the pros touch
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