Page 51 - With Kay Currie, Westmount
ISSUE : Issue 69
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1995/8/1
6th, I made a novena of rosaries on the hour to our Blessed Lady to help me. When the last rosary was said, labour began. I ar? rived at the hospital 12:30 a.m. I told the nurse I was over my time. She called the doctor. I heard the Sister say, "This child is ten months. Do you think she will live?" I sat up quickly and noticed they were try? ing to revive her. Turning to a picture in the room, "Mother of Perpetual Help," I said, "Mother, if God wants the baby, take her. If not, leave her to do good on this earth, and I will call her Mary." Immedi? ately, she yelled. The Sister said, "What a miracle!" I didn't say anything. I knew our Lady had answered my prayers. The eleventh child was born January 18th, 1953. In 1955, the secretary of Portage School begged me to teach Primary, Grade I, II, and III class for a year. I consented and stayed for the year 1956-57. One afternoon at school, I became ill. I went to the doc? tor: he rushed me to the hospital for blood transfusion, also scheduled me for an oper? ation. I spoke to the hospital chaplain not to allow the operation for I knew another child had to be born. He would be the 10th living. March 1957 I lost a boy whom I car? ried for 10 months. 1957-58 I was hired as a Grade I and II teacher in Westmount Elementary. I taught there for twenty-one years. 1967 I was ap? pointed vice-principal and kept the posi? tion until I retired in 1980. August 2nd, 1959, my thirteenth but the 10th living was born. He was a boy. During the period from 1942-1972 I had COMMERCIAL G.Landry's ""'"""' Vacuum Service Ltd. I SEPTIC SYSTEMS CLEANED INSTALLED & REPAIRED BACKHOE BULLDOZER RENTAL PORTABLE TOILET RENTAL & SERVICE Front Lake Rd. Sydney 564-8413 ?? / SERVING ALL OF CAPE BRETON "jf' 1 gone to Ste. Anne de Beaupr' (in Quebec) by train. And Mick and I made three trips by car. I always took one or two people with us, which I thought the revelation of 1940 wanted me to do. In 1970, I was asked by Mrs. Doucette to go to Ste. Anne's with her on Mrs. Hilda Power's pilgrimage from Halifax. The C.N.R. had a number of cars joining their pilgrimage at Truro. The Antigonish Dio? cesan pilgrimage had stopped a number of years previous. I went with her. While praying before the statue of Ste. Anne, I was given an inter? ior revelation to start the Antigonish pilgrimage. I spoke to Mrs. Power. She en? couraged me to go ahead. H0.1 HEATING • state of the art heating equipment • Trained heating technicians • Largest Fleet of Home Heating delivery • Ways to save you money • FREE Furnace Efficiency Tests IN SYDNEY CALL: STEVE BLUNDON 567-3000 -'i' Heatikg '' Arriving home, I went to see a number of cler? gy. They gave me no encourage? ment . Why go elsewhere to pray? Some men? tioned I was ready for the Cape Breton Hos? pital, others wanted to make money on the arrangement. The following year, 1971, I went to Beaupr6 B&R; HERITAGE ENTERPRISES for Gaelic Services and Products including Bho Thir Nan Craobh by Mary Jane Lamond (CD & CASSETTE) Tir Mo Ghraidh • a selection of Nova Scotia Gaelic music, story & song (CD & CASSETTE) Gaelic to Go • a 20-minute Gaelic pronunciation guide (CASSETTE ONLY) NoUaig Chridheil • a holiday selection of Gaelic Songs, Music |and Stories (CD & CASSETTE) FOR INFORMATION, CONTACT US AT: P. O. Box 3, ION A, NS BOA ILO Tel/Fax (902) 725-2013 Trust in our stars! * • • * GREAT FOOD NORTH SYDNEY CAPE BRETON Nova Scotia's Friendly Seaport • Gateway to New |Travellers to Cape Breton: *'Unpack Once' Centrally Located to Most Attractions • 75 Rooms - Kings, Standards, • Fishery Restaurant and Suites • St. Pierre Rum Bar • Luxury Suite - Jacuzzi Bath • Indoor Pool and Whirlpool • Harbour View - Air conditioned • Kids free with parents • Seniors Discount Overlooking the Newfoundland Ferry Terminal (Exit 21, Highway Tel: (902) 794-8581 Fax: (902) 794-4628 39 Forrest Street, P.O. Box 157, North Sydney, N.S. I 1-800-561-8585 (Atiantic) J
Cape Breton's Magazine