Page 58 - Advert: The Glace Bay Miners' Museum by Sheldon Currie
ISSUE : Issue 69
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1995/8/1
from Sheldon Currie's new novel ... The Glace Bay Miners' Museum continued from Inside Front Cover So since he died my mind keeps going back to Ian and I re? alize now that there he was between Charlie Dave who all his friends and family liked so much and everybody else was scared of and Neil who could play the pipes and sing and knew all kinds of history and stuff so nobody could argue with him and nobody was thinking about what Ian was good at and what he was good at was probably v'at everybody needed most at the time. I think the first inkling I got was from Pe'y, his girl, I be? gan to think a lot better of her as time went along. She was spoiled but yvhy shouldn't she be spoiled she had everything handed to her, but here she was going against her family for Ian, that must have been awfiil hard; she was good looking and of course had nice clothes, and no problems like me with a runny nose and quite a few of the boys in the Protestant school were after her, so why should she go out with Ian and make everybody cross at her, even her friends, althougji they really envied her, doing things they'd never dare do, pretended to be against her and of course they burned with gossip behind her back; but she put up with it all just to go out with Ian. She said to me once, it must be nice to have a brother so gende; it really starded me, her saying that, all I could think was, w'o? is she talking about my brother Ian? That's when I b'an to think about Ian in a different way and I remembered how nice he was to animals, even ones other people hated, I saw Celebrate over 25 Years of Good Reading' TAKE A WALK ON THE WILD SIDE EXPLORE JBjq &stem; Counties Regional Utirar; 390 Murray Street, P.O. Bag 2500 Uulgrave. M.S. BOE 2G0 (902)747-2597 FAX (902) 747-2500 Your Public Library has to explore the natural Bird Watching Animal & Marine life EcoloKY Nature Tours & Hilcing NOVA SCOTIA'S everything you need history of Nova Scotia: Wild Flowers k Herbs Rocks & Minerals Trees k Woodlands ... and much more! '. him kissing a mouse once, and carrying it around the house petting it, he even tamed it; my moth- ' p>f>' er had a conniption ?"-'''P ;'. fit one day when she ' * 5 walked in on him t / "??7''' asleep on his back and the mouse From the movie "Margaret's Museum": Margaret (Helena Bonham Carter) and Neil (Clive Russell) asleeo on his fore- celebrate their love on the sea cliffs of Glace Bay head. Other people had dogs and cats, but Ian would have sala? manders and turtles, he'd go out and find them God knows where, nobody in Reserve Mines ever saw thin' like that unless Ian had them, and if he didn't have something queer like that, he'd have something normal, but not anything like anybody else would have or even want to have, like a snake or a bug. One time a circus came to town and one of the shows they had was snakes and this guy outside the tent had a boa constrictor wrapped around his neck and when he had a crowd he offered ten dollars to anybody who woidd take it off of him, and in two sec? onds Ian was right up there. The guy said, never mind sonny, you're too little, and before the guy could blink Ian grabbed it off him, and the guy grabbed it back and the two of them pulled it Warren Gordon A new pictorial cookbook with photographs by "Warren Gordon and recipes collected by Cordon Bleu ChefYvonne LeVert $22.95 (plus taxes and shipping) Gordon Photographic Ltd. 367 Charlotte Street Sydney, Cape Breton Island Nova Scotia BIP lEl • (902) 564-5665 • CaDeBreton 58
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