Page 20 - John Hart of Port Hood - a Scrapbook
ISSUE : Issue 15
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1976/12/1
Province of, ' -Oif >ir-c-5.:.i!!> • ..i, DEPARTMENT OF MARINE AND FISHERIES. No.. 'pectaf 'icem'e to ''ac' S'ob'tex'. ' ff?' herein .-' ''' _ / (V)pcu',>.a .uo' i-r .-. J/,/../,uU,'.u • .,/,>.ue../e./a ,, ' r , 7t , % . ,/ _." ,,',v'' -; "-/ 9Rr., • • W PT,/-,,,,. - From; Inspector's Office, Glace Bay. 1955 Dear Mr. Hart; I am returning the data on your riding rake patent by registered mail. They (the Dominion Coal Company engineers) are not interested m it at the moment as the riding rakes they have are equipped with their own type of safety brakes and all the other riding slopes are considered too steep for any type of brake and they are devoting their attention to other safety measures to compensate for the lack of these brakes. I trust that this information will not be too discouraging.... Yours very truly. tVilliam Simpson Department of Mines Z V'e''s o -/t'Ajg. 2Z/i.o/J/l'/fi/ez Lew; He had a lobster factory in Margaree Island one time. Had an old dory and made sails from old bags he said, used to sail back and forth with that. And he had a lumber mill out here at Black River. BRIAND'S CAB Cape Breton TOURS Fortress Louisbourg Graham Bell Museum Miners Museum Gaelic College see the beautiful CABOT TRAIL 564-6161 564-6162 Speedy Propane FILLING STATIONS: J' B. Benoit, Arichat Robin's, Cheticanp MacGregor's Texaco, Pleasant Bay Prazier's Campgroiind, Baddeck Lloyd Sheares Heating, Port aux Basques Crocker and Wills, Ltd., Comerbrook nj'r CEIMTRAL& NOVA SCOTIA JUi TRUStCOMRANY is now called CENTRAL&EASTERN; TRUST COMR'NY Same Quality Service under a New Name 225 Charlotte St., Sydney, 539-9210 0. GOLDMAN & SONS LTD. "Tilt HOME OK FINE SEAFOOD" ??Gallant Street Glace Bay • Terninal Bldg*, Sydney Airport
Cape Breton's Magazine