Back Cover - Photo: In this Issue
ISSUE : Issue 69
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1995/8/1
In This Issue... Right: One of the several properties taken In the estab? lishment of the Cape Breton Highlands National Park (see page 1). Below: Hilda MIecz? ko of Glace Bay (page 63). Right: Billy James Mac? Namara of Evanston, Rich? mond County (page 53). Below Left: George Leo? nard, North Sydney (page 69). Below Centre: Wilfred Creighton, Halifax (page 1). Below Right: Assessing an? other house In the Cape Breton Highlands (page 1). Bottom Right: David Ste? phens' painting of the barque Breadalbane (page 21). Bottom Left: Catherine (Kay) Currie, Westmount (page 37).
Cape Breton's Magazine