Page 24 - John Angus Fraser and the Wreck of the Kismet II
ISSUE : Issue 70
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1996/6/1
And right there and then, I thought I heard a movement behind me. Turning as fast as I could, something struck my hand and away went the light. Naturally the thought that went through my mind was that someone hit my hand in order to put out the light. John Angus backed up and kept backing up until something solid came against my back and there I stayed, for how long I can never tell. And then everything started going through my mind. The first thoughts came to me that there was definitely someone aboard. And then it was hard to figure out, if there was someone aboard, where were the lights? And then I came to the conclusion that if there was really someone on ship, he was smuggling himself into Can? ada- -may? be a mur? derer and maybe a dope smuggler. I thought Hot? Cold? Wet? (Not in here.) NORTH SYDNEY 794-4703 25% of the heat sneaked out of the basement. Then came True Wall. insulation covered the basement in one quick day and cut the heating bill overnight. You don't need costly studs to put it up, just nails and strapping. Put it on the walls, on the floor, all over. Don't be the victim of sneaky heat. By TrueFoam AVAILABLE THROUGH YOUR LOCAL BUILDING SUPPLY DEALER of everything, and everything I was think? ing of was worse than what I was thinking of before. And then I started to listen to see if I could hear anything. And I am telling you I really started to hear things. I wish you were aboard of a ship rolling in a heavy sea against a cliff, so scared that your teeth were practically rattling. And you could hear that steel rubbing against each other. Now and again a door would slam open and closed. And I tell you, you can take two pieces of steel and start rubbing them together. And if you can rub them hard enough, you will swear to the God above that it's a bunch of people talking. Now you just imagine in my place --so dark, I'm sure if I would light a match it wouldn't show any light. I could hear that steel rubbing together, figuring that it was not one person but a bunch of them. Along with that, now and then you would hear a big bang--one of the big waves hitting the side of the ship, and the wind blowing through the rigging. And you froze with your back against some? thing, and just waiting for those hands that knocked the light out of yours to creep around your neck. And that was not a nice feeling. And I knew I had to move, as I was start? ing to get cold. So I made one big holler, which I had no intention of making. And sure enough, I got my answer. I still didn't know where it was coming from, but I knew it wasn't close to me. Then I got on my hands and knees and started to look for the flashlight. And sure enough, I got it, but it was broken. So I figured the best thing to do is try another holler to find out which deck they were on, the upper or lower. I got an answer again to my holler. Then I thought of my buddy and THE CANADIAN COAST GUARD COLLEGE LE COLLEGE DE LA GARDE COTIERE CANADIENNE Welcome ABOARD! Bienvenueabordi • a national residential n training and conference centre • full range of services ?? quality bilingual programs • competitive prices ' we design, develop and deliver the best training anywhere institut de formation residentiel national et lieu de conference vaste eventail de services * programmes bilingues de qualite * prix competitifs nous concevons, nous elaborons et nous presentons les meilleurs cours au monde Telephone: 902-564-3660 Telephone: 902-564-3660 Fax: 902-564-3672 Telecopieur: 902-564-3672 Mail: Box 4500 Adresse: C.P. 4500 Sydney, N.S. Sydney (N.-E.) B1P6L1 B1P6L1 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: [email protected] We're here to answer all your training needs, just get in touch! Communiquez avec nous pour vos oesoins en formation! i'ir's Oceans et Oceans CanadM
Cape Breton's Magazine