Page 27 - John Angus Fraser and the Wreck of the Kismet II
ISSUE : Issue 70
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1996/6/1
that was confusion! I said to myself, "John Angus, you are crazy or you are dealing with an invisible man." I kept go? ing to the table for another drink. And I needed the drink then. But when I got to the table I heard this invisible person talking behind me. I turned around and still couldn't see any? one, and that stupid person just kept on talking. First time, I was too frightened, and this second time I was too drunk. And when I started to drink out of the next bottle, it sobered me up real fast. This bottle had something in it to sober the crew up fast in case they were needed. Sitting down on the chair or whatever was there to sit on, for no reason, I looked up at the clock, and there was a flicker of movement caught my eye. I was after so? bering up then--I mean, my head was clear? ing- -because I came to the conclusion that there was no invisible man. Perhaps it was someone in the captain's quarters on a loudspeaker system, or a radio still (fur? ther) on somewhere. That's when I saw the movement. I actually was looking for the loudspeaker. I went over to the clock and reached up to catch the stuffed parrot. Well, my heart was stopping and going all night, and this time it really stopped. Just when I was catching the parrot, it made one screech and flew away. You just imagine! With all the time I was frightened out of my life that night, and then to reach up with the intentions of catching a stuffed parrot, and him to screech in your face. You can believe it, I had a flash of the other world, my heart stopped that long. Now there I was, surprised, happy, and mad. So me and that parrot really went at it. If SMUGGLER'S SURPLUS (Formerly Cape Breton Liquidators) 735 Keltic Drive (1 mi. past Tasty Treat on left) (902)564-1448 someone had a movie camera on, you would think we were dancing. Every time my fin? gers would just about touch the parrot he would fly away to another place in the room. And then I would go after him again, stag? gering and tripping over everything. And he would just about let me put my fingers on him before he would move. And around and around that room he and I would go. Why I mentioned the word dancing--thinking back, I believe that bird was singing. And instead of flying directly to his object, he was actually rocking in the air. Of course, that could account for what I had out of that bottle. So I let him be, fig? uring that the next time there I would catch him and take him home for Ronie. Now, leaving that room, and out on deck again, I said, "John Angus, everything is turning out so good. Go back and have a look at all those human arms and legs and hips and everything that I saw crazy in that room. If it's dead it can't hurt any? one." And I proved it was dead, believe it. It was their storage room: parts of beef, parts of practically every animal you would want to eat. It was al? so their freezer. ' LIA/IITED 110 Reeves St. ccoilQO SYDNEY. N. S. ODZ-I OZ SYDNEY, N. S. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS "Serving Cape Breton Over 35 Years" SPECIALIZING IN: • INDUSTRIAL • COMMERCIAL • INSTITUTIONAL • RESIDENTIAL . WIRING CONTRACTORS • MAINTENANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HEATING SYSTEMS ?? FREE ESTIMATES FAX 526-1699 And then, boy-oh-boy, my eyes popped. Behind all the edible stuff they had the drinking stuff. And I don't mean pop and milk--the best of spirits, and tons of beer. I fig- [ROMANTIC GETAWAYS I Jacuzzis*Four-Postef B?ds*Fheplaces ' f CASTLE MOFFETTI Cape Breton's Finest j Four-Star Accommodation (902) 756-9070 'i (Baddeck Area) K. Stay Tuned through the Summer! "Welcome to Cape Breton" 9:00 am to 10:00 am FEATURING • Traditional lUlusic Local Cape Breton Information • Tourist Destinations ef • Special Events CJCB AM Stereo- Cape Breton's Super Station!
Cape Breton's Magazine