Page 29 - John Angus Fraser and the Wreck of the Kismet II
ISSUE : Issue 70
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1996/6/1
my mind: I never remembered being into the steering room of the ship, which would be the most fascinating room of the ship. When I found it, there was the budgie, a nice camera, and a nice field glass. The camera was another present for Ronie. Un? til today, I am wondering if I didn't ima? gine that budgie being on that ship, be? cause I definitely couldn't forget that room, with the big steering wheel all brass, and the big compass all brass-- practically the room was made of windows and brass. What I mean, I remembered everything that was in the other rooms, but never remembered seeing that room, and still I previously saw the budgie. Then I thought of Fraser again. The boat could start leaking, and he couldn't bail it, as the best he could do is keep the boat off the rocks with the load in it, with two broken paddles. But when I got back to the lifesaving boat I could hear the singing, and the song he was singing-- "What Would You Do with a Drunken Sailor?" And he sure was a drunken sailor, and now a drunken captain, as he was the captain of that little boat with those two broken paddles. Then he tried to pick me up, but no way. Every time I would go down on the rope, Fraser wouldn't be there. Then I would climb that rope again. And every time I would ask him why wasn't he under me, he would say that when he would get so close he couldn't see me, and my voice would be in a different place every time I would speak. And then he started to beg me to jump in the water and he would pick me up. You just imagine--to jump in that cold water. I told him Ronie's boy wouldn't think of that. Well, he told me there was nothing he could do, unless I would let down the gangplank--the ladder on the side of the VOLUME ONE BOOKSTORE Bag No. 200 Port Hawkesbury Centre Port Hawkesbury, N. S. BOE 2V0 Phone (902) 625-1514 Phoebe Timmons Res.: 863-1825 Wilson Timmons Res.: 345-2387 133 Church St. Antigonish Shopping Centre Antigonish, N. S. B2G 2E3 Phone (902) 863-4112 VOLUME TWO BOOKSTORE llv*l HMTIN6 • State of th? art heating equipment • Trained heating technicians • Largest Fleet of Home Heating delivery • Ways to save you money • Budget Payment Plan • FREE Furnace Efficiency Tests IN SYDNEY CALL: STEVE BLUNDON I IRVING 567-3000 ''' ship. And he just said it for a joke, but I didn't take it for a joke. Back aboard the big ship I went, tripped the big haul? ing winch, and away goes the side ladder. Luck happened he wasn't close to it. The sea that ladder made when it struck the water would have sunk the small boat. But anyway, he picked me up in style. When I got in the little boat it was half full of water. Later on he told me he never thought of the water in the boat, and by that time he was up to his knees in it. I started to bail the boat when we left the Kismet and never stopped until we got to Meat Cove beach. And I was bailing twice as fast by the time I got to the shore. I know now the ice was melting. But we were two happy boys when we got ashore. And much more happier when I got home in Ronie's arms, as that girl sure was wor? ried, us leaving to go up and just have a look at the Kismet at approximately four in the evening. And then it was around four in the morning. I just couldn't believe it-- where was I all that time? But she forgave S & M Trucking Ltd. • General Trucking • Local & Long Distance • Loader & Trailer Rentals Float, Flatbed, Drop Deck Service G- OFFICE 1 567-2260 FAX 564-1443 • ' Operating in: 'NS,NB,NFLD, JPEI,ONT,PQ, [land the U.S. A. Donald Sives Manager GARAGE & DISPATCH 564-2011 F BUSY CALL 564-0204 - ;j SYDPORT INDUSTRIAL PARK • SYDNEY • NOVA SCOTIA m Western -i'- Trust in our stars! * • • • GREAT FOOD ORTH STAR INNI NORTH SYDNEY CAPE BRETON Nova Scotia's Friendly Seaport • Gateway to Newfoundland |Travellers to Cape Breton: "Unpack Once' Centrally Located to Most Attractions 74 Rooms - Kings, Standards, • Fishery Restaurant and Suites • St. Pierre Rum Bar Luxury Suite - Jacuzzi Bath • Indoor Pool and Whirlpool Harbour View - Air conditioned • Kids free with parents • Seniors Discount Overlooking the Newfoundland Ferry Terminal (Exit21, Highway 105) Tel: (902) 794-8581 Fax:(902)794-4628 39 Forrest Stree, P.O. Box 157, North Sydney, N.S. B2A 3M3 I 1-800-561-8585 (Atlantic) J 29
Cape Breton's Magazine